In the near future¡¢Scheme Parallel Viewer must be static content. This menu screen and linked contents are test versions.
If any problem arises, contact us and report
here what kind of problems occurs and your IT environment, for example, OS, browser.
New Scheme Parallel Viewer supports Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Fire Fox. But, Internet Explore is not supported.
In order to make static contents, HTML files include scheme data. HTML files, which include all sections, make loading time long
and use large memory, for exampls, 1.5GB(loading) and 0.8GB(loading completed).
As a countermeasure, small HTML files, which include only one section data (A - H, Y) are provided for light IT environments.
On the other hand, word serach function are not provided in section HTML(A - H, Y), because seaech range is restricted in only one section.