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JPO Commissioner MORI Made Opening Remarks at the Caribbean Blue Economy Forum

March 25, 2022

The Caribbean Blue Economy Forum was held in Barbados from March 22 to 24, 2022, and MORI Kiyoshi, Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office (JPO), delivered opening remarks through a video message. The Forum aims to promote Blue Economy, i.e., sustainable economic activities using ocean resources while preserving the marine environment, by strengthening collaboration among entrepreneurs in CARICOM(*1) countries and individuals involved in intellectual property (IP).

The Forum was held under the support of the WIPO Funds-in-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global, which was set up by voluntary contributions that Japan has made to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). In his opening remarks, Commissioner MORI stated that promoting Blue Economy will contribute not only to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)(*2) but also to stimulate innovation. Based on this, he emphasized the importance of initiatives on Blue Economy from the standpoint of IP.

Going forward, by effectively using the WIPO Funds-in-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global, JPO hopes to further strengthen cooperation between Japan and CARICOM countries and is committed to establishing a framework in which IP rights of Japanese companies can be appropriately protected in CARICOM countries.

(Photo) Commissioner MORI in the video message
Commissioner MORI in the video message

*1: The Caribbean Community to which 14 countries and one region in the Caribbean acceded.
*2: Specifically, it means one of the 17 SDGs adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, i.e., “Goal 14. Life below water,” which is aimed at conserving ocean resources for sustainable development.

[Last updated 25 March 2022]