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Home> Announcements> Photo Gallery> June 2023> JPO holds bilateral heads meeting with IPOPHL, agrees to mutually strengthen cooperation relationship

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JPO holds bilateral heads meeting with IPOPHL,
agrees to mutually strengthen cooperation relationship

June 14, 2023

Mr. Rowel S. Barba, Director General of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), visited the Japan Patent Office (JPO) on June 8, 2023, and exchanged opinions with JPO Commissioner HAMANO Koichi.

During the bilateral meeting, the two leaders exchanged information on each other’s recent initiatives, and discussed bilateral cooperation and Japan-ASEAN cooperation. They also agreed to continue efforts toward developing mutual understanding, and enhancing their cooperative relationship.

The JPO will promote stronger cooperation with its counterparts in the Philippines and other ASEAN countries, while also striving to develop an environment wherein intellectual property will be protected appropriately.

(Photo-1)Bilateral Heads Meeting between the IPOPHL and the JPO
Bilateral Heads Meeting between the IPOPHL and the JPO

Mr. Rowel S. Barba, Director General of the IPOPHL (6th from right)
Mr. HAMANO Koichi, Commissioner of the JPO (5th from right)

[Last updated 14 June 2023]