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March 2024
The Japan Patent Office (JPO) announces the release of the JPO Status Report 2024, a compilation of statistical information and policy outcomes from 2023. The Status Report swiftly conveys information on the current situation surrounding the intellectual property system, as well as the JPO’s initiatives and other matters. All pages are in both Japanese and English, so that it can serve as a compilation of the latest information on intellectual property for people both inside and outside of Japan.
Chapter 1: Trends in Intellectual Property in Japan
(Statistical information on patent/design/trademark applications and registration with the JPO)
Chapter 2: Trends in Intellectual Property Worldwide
(Statistical information on patent/design/trademark applications and registration with the IP5 Offices)
Chapter 1: Examinations/Trials and Appeals
(Initiatives for the speed of examinations/trials and appeals, improvement of the quality thereof, etc.)
Chapter 2: International Initiatives
(Initiatives to promote cooperation with IP offices and related organizations and harmonization of IP systems and practices)
Chapter 3: Support Measures, Law Amendments, Etc.
(Initiatives to support for startups, SMEs, and universities and to review IP systems)
This section provides the latest key statistics and policy outcomes related to intellectual property in 2023. Some examples are as follows:
The JPO is promoting various projects and initiatives related to the SDGs.
Fig.1: Overview of Initiatives for SDGs
Supporting the growth of SMEs and startups from the perspective of IP, the JPO is promoting various projects and initiatives.
Fig.2: Overview of SMEs-Startups Support
Fig.3-1: Number of Patent Applications
Fig.3-2: Number of Applications for Design Registration
Fig. 3-3: Number of Applications for Trademark Registration
In addition, the results of the user satisfaction survey on first action pendency and examination quality are as follows.
Fig. 4: FA Pendency and Results of User Satisfaction Survey on Examination Quality
The JPO Status Report 2024 is available at the following links.
[Last updated 28 March 2024]
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Policy Planning and Research Division Policy Planning and Coordination Department Japan Patent Office (JPO) E-mail:PA0920@jpo.go.jp |