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Service by Publication

For cases where documents have not been serviced by delivery (undeliverable to the recipient, etc.), the JPO eventually executes Service by Publication by means of publicizing such information in the Official Gazette and the Patent Gazette, posting in the area designated for posting at the JPO office, or displaying on PCs placed at the JPO office for public perusal. (Patent Act Article 191 (where applicable mutatis mutandis to Article 55-2 of the Utility Model Act, Article 68-5 of the Design Act, and Article 77-5 of the Trademark Act.))

The articles regarding “Service by Publication” in the Patent Gazette have been transferred from the Gazette publication site to this site for an easier access to a broader audience (as of July 3, 2023).

※Introduction of Service by Publication Under International Mail Service Suspension
In accordance with the revision of the Patent Act, when documents have not been delivered to overseas residents for a period of six months, Service by Publication will be executed. This revision has taken effect as of July 3, 2023 (Patent Act Article 191-1-3, etc.). Please access here (link for “Introduction of Service by Publication Under International Mail Service Suspension”) for the details on the introduction of the new system.

Reference: Method for referencing the Japanese calendar
Example: 令和5年8月1日 = August 1, 2023

Reference: English translation of fixed items
送達を受けるべき者 = Designated service recipient
住所 = address
氏名 = name
送達する書類 = Document(s) subject to service
事件の表示 = Subject case

Information on Service by Publication (Patent Gazette)

Publications in FY2023

Please use the following Excel format if you would like to search for, or process information on Service by Publication.
※Previous publications are listed in one Excel format.
Excel format(Excel:103KB)

This publication is a part of the “Patent Gazette” issued in accordance with Article 13-2 of the Act on Special Provisions for Procedures Related to Industrial Property Rights.

Contact Information for Inquiries on Service by Publication

Inquiries on International Design and Trademark Applications
Office for International Design and Trademark Applications
Japan Patent Office
e-mail: PA1B00@jpo.go.jp

Contact Information for Inquiries on Service by Publication

Research and J-term (Judge term) Management Section, Trial and Appeal Division, Trial and Appeal Department, the Japan Patent Office
e-mail: PA6120@jpo.go.jp

[Last updated 18 October 2024]

Contact Us

General inquiries on publication (including publication/Gazette specifications)
Publication Planning Section, IP Promotion Division, General Coordination Division, Japan Patent Office
e-mail: PA0620@jpo.go.jp

Inquiries on the outline of Service by Publication, receipt of Service by Publication documents
Dispatch Section, Application Division, Trademark and Customer Relations Department, the Japan Patent Office
e-mail: PA1610@jpo.go.jp