Home> Announcements> Photo Gallery> September 2022> JPO provided online training to MyIPO examiners on examination practices, opposition, and management
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September 22, 2022
The Global Patent Academy (GPA) of the Japan Patent Office (JPO) provided online live training to the patent examiners of the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) on patent examination in the medical field (specific IPC: A61B, A61M and A61K), opposition system, and management of human resources, quality, etc., as requested by the MyIPO, for a total of 12 days on August 22, 24, 26, and 29 to 30 and September 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, and 14 to 15, 2022.
JPO’s five GPA instructors, who are examiners with extensive experience, and one JPO administrative judge well-versed in the opposition system served as lecturers, and MyIPO’s 37 patent examiners with 10 to 25 years of experience participated in the training as students.
The lectures on the opposition system and management included a lively question-and-answer session, and students on the opposition system course even gave feedback requesting more lectures. In the field-specific training, students were given assignments outside of the lectures to develop their understanding of patent examination practice, including prior art searches and the JPO's Multi-Factor Reasoning (MFR) criteria*1 for inventive step.
The JPO will continue to cooperate with Malaysia and other emerging countries where further business expansion of Japanese companies is expected by providing to the examiners of those countries a tailored training that meets their needs with a focus on patent examination practice, thereby supporting the development and strengthening of examination systems in those countries.
(*1) For more information about MFR, please refer to the PDF linked below.
Live-streaming lecture
Live-streaming lecture
Closing session
[Last updated 22 September 2022]