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Patent Examination Case Examples pertinent to AI-related technologies

March 2024
Examination Standards Office

Looking ahead to the diverse development of AI-related technologies in various technical fields, The Japan Patent Office (JPO) has created and published Case Examples on AI-related technologies with the aim of providing clear guidance on determining Inventive Step, Description Requirement and Eligibility. Five case examples were published in March 2017, with additional ten case examples added in January 2019. In line with the short-term goals outlined in the "Intellectual Property Promotion Plan 2023," the use of AI in the process of creation is expected to expand in a broader range of fields. With this in mind, as of March 13, 2024, the JPO has added ten more cases related to Patent Inventive Step, Description Requirement and Eligibility.

Updated (March 13, 2024)

  • Explanatory materials for Case Examples pertinent to AI-related technologies

Explanatory materials for Case Examples pertinent to AI-related technologies(Updated in March 2024)

top of AI slide

Latest updates of the Examination Guidelines and Handbook for Patent and Utility Model in Japan are available on the following websites.

  • Full text of the guidelines (JP , EN) and the handbook (JP , EN) .

[Reference] The following page would also be helpful to understand the examination of AI-related inventions.

Examination Guidelines on computer software-related inventions pertinent to examination of AI-related inventions

Comparative Study on Computer Implemented Inventions/Software related Inventions between JPO and EPO

JPO – CNIPA Comparative Study on AI-related inventions

[Reference] The following page would also be helpful to understand the details.

Recent Trends in AI/Business-related Inventions

[Last updated 13 March 2024]

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Examination Standards Office,

Administrative Affairs Division,

Japan Patent Office

E-mail : PA2A10@jpo.go.jp