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Home> Systems/Procedures> Patents> Examination> Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)> Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)> PPH pilot program between the Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the National Institute of Industrial Property of France (INPI)

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PPH pilot program between the Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the National Institute of Industrial Property of France (INPI)

The Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the National Institute of Industrial Property of France (INPI) will commence the PPH pilot program on 1 January 2020.

PPH MOTTAINAI and PCT-PPH start on 1 July 2023

To increase the number of eligible PPH applications, the JPO and the INPI have agreed to add PPH MOTTAINAI and PCT-PPH in the program and start accepting requests on 1 July 2023.

Please note that a PCT application cannot directly enter the national phase at the INPI. For certain types of applications eligible for PCT-PPH at the INPI based on a PCT international work product by the JPO, please refer to Figures A to C in ANNEX II to the Guidelines for filing with the INPI available on the following page.

How to make a request

Guidelines (Requirements and procedures in detail) and Request form for Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)


Japan to Be France’s First Partner for Patent Prosecution Highway Program

Japanese Page

[Last updated 3 July 2023]


Examination Policy Planning Office

Administrative Affairs Division

Patent and Design Examination Department

Japan Patent Office

Tel: +81-3-3581-1101 (ex. 3103)

E-mail: PA2260@jpo.go.jp