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For browsing FI and F-term list. FI [File Index] and F-term [File forming term] are Japanese patent classification systems consisting of approx. 190,000 and 330,000 entries respectively, which enable the efficient search of patent documents. It is also noted that FI is based on IPC [International Patent Classification]. For more detailed information on FI and F-term (PDF:7,383KB).
For browsing IPC, FI and CPC in parallel. In this viewer, you can find the relevant entries among IPC, FI and CPC.
For obtaining information regarding FI revisions. FI scheme is revised once a year.
For obtaining information regarding F-term revisions. F-term scheme is revised once a year.
For obtaining the list of all theme information. The explanation of items in the list is here(PDF:191KB). JPO has maintained Japanese patent documents by uniquely dividing them into technical fields. Each technical field is called “Theme”.
[Last updated 5 April 2024]
Contact |
<IPC, FI> Patent Classification Policy Planning Section Administrative Affairs Division Japan Patent Office Fax:+81-3-3580-8122 E-mail:PA0L10@jpo.go.jp
<F-term, Theme> Search Information Policy Planning Section Administrative Affairs Division Japan Patent Office Fax:+81-3-3580-8122 E-mail:PA0L20@jpo.go.jp |