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Manual for Trial and Appeal Proceedings (20th edition)

(Following is contents of original "Manual for Trial and Appeal Proceedings.")

(The contents are currently being updated to the latest version.)


Explanatory Notes

Classified Table by Proceeding for "Manual for Trial and Appeal Proceedings"

Table of Contents

(Hereafter, patents as P, utility models as U, designs as D, trademarks as T)

00 General (PDF:347KB) (Latest version)

00-01 P U D T Types of Proceedings: Trial and Appeal, etc. (PDF:127KB)
00-02 P U D T Trial and Appeal Proceedings by Electronic Data Processing System (PDF:111KB)
00-03     D   Trials and Appeals concerning International Application for Design Registration (PDF:122KB)

01 Documents in General (PDF:113KB) (Latest version)

01-01 P U D T Inspection of Document and Submission of Report for Trade Secret (PDF:113KB)

02 Trial and Appeal Decision Classification, Court Decision Classification (PDF:1,374KB)(Latest version)

02-02 P U D T Trial and Appeal Decision Classification and Court Decision Classification (PDF:290KB)
02-02.1 P       Classification Table for Trial and Appeal Decisions: Patents (PDF:331KB)
02-02.2   U     Classification Table for Trial and Appeal Decisions: Utility Models (PDF:163KB)
02-02.3     D   Classification Table for Trial and Appeal Decisions: Designs (PDF:160KB)
02-02.4       T Classification Table for Trial and Appeal Decisions: Trademarks (PDF:190KB)
02-02.5 P U D T Classification Table for Court Decisions (PDF:238KB)
02-03 P U D T Guideline for Designating Trial and Appeal Decision Classification and Court Decision Classification (PDF:163KB)

07 Trial Court (PDF:182KB)

07-01 P U D T Trial Court (PDF:156KB)
07-02 P U D T Duties of Bailiff at the Trial Court (PDF:167KB)

10 Provision of Information (PDF:182KB)

10-02 P U   T Pre-Grant Provision of Information (PDF:161KB)
10-04 P U     Post-Grant Provision of Information (PDF:167KB)

11 Receipt, Announcement of Registration (PDF:287KB)

11-01 P U D T Notification of Trial and Appeal Numbers, etc. (PDF:264KB)
11-02 P U D T Notification of Request (Motion) to a Person Having a Registered Right (PDF:165KB)

12 Designation of Administrative Judge and Trial Clerk (PDF:178KB)

12-01 P U D T Notification of Designation and Change of Designation of Administrative Judge and Trial Clerk (PDF:155KB)
12-04 P U D T Exclusion and Refrainment of Trial Examiners (Appeal Examiner's Involvement in Prior Decision by the Examiner (PDF:163KB)

16 Handling of Evidences (Models, Samples) (PDF:257KB)

16-01 P U D T Procedures for Restoration of Models, Samples or Evidences, That Have Been Submitted to the JPO (PDF:257KB)

17 Certification, Transmission (PDF:147KB) (Latest version)

17-01 P U D T Service of Documents (PDF:147KB)

20 Handling of Proceeding Matters (PDF:284KB) (Latest version)

20-00 P U D T Handling of Proceeding Matters (PDF:284KB)

21 Formality, Amendment, Supplement, Dismissal (PDF:473KB)

21-00 P U D T Examination Procedures of Formality Requirements (PDF:250KB)
21-01 P U D T Required Documents That Need to be Attached to Written Demand/Request for Trial/Appeal, etc. (including Power of Attorney) (PDF:152KB)
21-02 P U D T Order for Amendment and Inquiry (PDF:149KB)
21-03 P U D T Types of Ordering for Amendment (PDF:278KB)
21-03.1 P U D T Description in the Column "Reasons for Demand (Request)" in Written Demand/Request for Trial/Appeal (PDF:154KB)
21-03.3       T Handling of a Case When Description in the Column "Purport of Demand" is "Similar Goods", etc. in Trial for Invalidation/Rescission for Trademark (PDF:148KB)
21-05 P U D T Handling of Errors in Indication of Either Application Number or Registration Number (PDF:145KB)
21-06 P U D T Handling of Supplement of Reasons (PDF:150KB)
21-08 P U D T Dismissal of Unlawful Procedures (PDF:208KB)
21-09 P       Fees for Demand/Request for Patent Trial and Appeal (PDF:154KB)

22 Inter-Partes Trial, Joint Trial (PDF:230KB)

22-01 P U D T Party Concerned (PDF:183KB)
22-02 P U D T Examples of Judgments Related to the Parties (PDF:140KB)
22-03 P U D T Joint Trial (PDF:164KB)
22-04 P U D T Demandee’s Domicile That Is Written in a Written Request for Trial for Invalidation After the (attacked) Patent Has Been Surrendered or Has Lapsed (PDF:145KB)

23 Agent(PDF:974KB)

23-00 P U D T Agent in General (PDF:109KB)
23-01 P U D T Legal Agent (PDF:85KB)
23-02 P U D T Voluntary Agent (Attorney) (PDF:88KB)
23-03 P U D T Authorized Agent (PDF:24KB)
23-04 P U D T Patent Administrator (PDF:111KB)
23-05 P U D T Sub Agent (PDF:89KB)
23-06 P U D T Curator (PDF:26KB)
23-07 P U D T Unauthorized Representation (PDF:75KB)
23-08 P U D T With or Without an Agent and Trial and Appeal Proceedings (PDF:89KB)
23-09 P U D T Document Certifying Authority of Representation (PDF:116KB)
23-10 P U D T Procedures in the Case Where There Is No Patent Administrator (PDF:172KB)
23-11 P U D T Handling of the Death of an Agent (PDF:29KB)
23-12 P U D T Representative of a Legal Entity and Its Indication (PDF:32KB)
23-13 P U D T Procedure for Appointing a New Agent in the Middle of the Proceedings (PDF:27KB)

25 Time Limit (PDF:760KB)

25-01 P U D T Designated Time Limit of Ex parte Appeal, Opposition to Registration of Trademark, Advisory Opinion (Hantei) (PDF:109KB)
25-01.1 P U D T List of Important Time Limits (1) (Ex parte Appeal, Opposition to Registration of Trademark, Advisory Opinion (Hantei) (PDF:244KB)
25-01.2 P U D T Designated Time Limit: Trial for Invalidation, Trial for Correction, Trial for Rescission of Trademark Registration (PDF:56KB)
25-01.3 P U D T List of Important Time Limits (2) (Trial for Invalidation, Trial for Correction, Trial for Rescission) (PDF:175KB)
25-01.4 P       Designated Time Limit: Opposition to Grant of Patent (PDF:30KB)
25-01.5 P       List of Important Time Limits (3) (Opposition to Grant of Patent) (PDF:80KB)
25-02 P U D T Calculation of Time Limits (PDF:80KB)
25-03 P U D T Designation of Time Limit When a Duplicate of a Written Reply, etc. Is Served (PDF:82KB)
25-04 P U D T Extension of the Time Limit for Submission and Change of the Date of Submission (PDF:206KB)

26 Suspension, Termination or Resumption (PDF:526KB)

26-01 P U D T Stay of Procedures (Suspension, Termination) (PDF:160KB)
26-01.1 P U D T Handling of Cases When, as a Result of Suspension of Procedures for a Long Period of Time, Duration of Right Has Exceeded a Time Limit and therefore, It Has Become Impossible to Obtain a Right (PDF:21KB)
26-02 P U D T Succession of Rights and Continuation of Procedures (PDF:80KB)
26-03 P U D T Special Provision to Time Limit for Demand/Request for Trial/Appeal (Retrial) (PDF:80KB)
26-04 P U D T Resumption of Procedures (PDF:199KB)
26-05 P U D T Decision to Approve or Disapprove Resumption of Procedures (PDF:19KB)

30 Common Issues in Trial and Appeal (General) (PDF:774KB)(Latest version)

30-01 P U D T Amendment and Change of Gist of a Written Demand/Request for Trial and Appeal (PDF:152KB)
30-02 P U D T Prohibition of Double Jeopardy (PDF:204KB)
30-03 P U D T Consolidation and Separation of Trial and Appeal Proceedings (PDF:153KB)
30-04 P U D T Interview by a Panel (Administrative Judges) (PDF:121KB)
30-07 P U D T Handling of a Situation Where It Is Found That a Person Undertaking Procedures Is Not Competent or Suitable for Undertaking Such Procedures (PDF:232KB)

31 Proprietary Interest (PDF:363KB)

31-00 P U D T Eligibility as a Demandant in a Trial for Invalidation (PDF:242KB)
31-01 P     T Interested Persons (PDF:240KB)
31-02 P     T Specific Examples of the Interested Persons (PDF:333KB)

32 Documentary Proceedings (Latest version)

32-01 P U D T Notification of Documentary Proceedings in a Trial for Invalidation (PDF:235KB)

33 Oral Proceedings (PDF:1,076KB)

33-00 P U D T Oral Proceeding Method (PDF:48KB)
33-00.1 P U D T Trial and Appeal Cases Subject to Oral Proceedings and Timing for Selecting Those Cases (PDF:50KB)
33-01 P U D T Designating a Date of Oral Proceedings (PDF:206KB)
33-01.1 P U D T Notification of the Designated Date of Oral Proceedings (PDF:99KB)
33-02 P U D T Change of the Designated Date of Oral Proceedings (PDF:105KB)
33-03 P U D T Procedure for Handling a Situation Where a Person Is not Appearing on the Designated Date (PDF:107KB)
33-04 P U D T Guidelines for Trial Records of Oral Proceedings (PDF:131KB)
33-05 P U D T Order of Oral Proceedings (PDF:118KB)
33-06 P U D T Use of Recording Devices, etc. in Oral Proceedings (PDF:100KB)
33-07 P U D T Oral Proceedings Statement Brief (PDF:112KB)
33-08 P U D T Notice of Proceeding Matters (PDF:81KB)

34 Evidence in General (PDF:269KB)

34-01 P U D T Inspection of Documents and Important Points Concerning Producing Evidence (PDF:223KB)
34-01.1 P U D T Handling of Foreign Documents in Trial for Invalidation and Opposition to Grant of Patent (or, Trademark Registration) (PDF:50KB)

35 Examination of Evidence and Preservation of Evidence (PDF:1,031KB)

35-00 P U D T Examination of Evidence in General (PDF:91KB)
35-01 P U D T Procedures for Preparation for Examination of Witness, etc. (PDF:149KB)
35-02 P U D T Guidelines for Trial Records of Examination of Evidence (PDF:110KB)
35-03 P U D T Commission for Examination of Evidence by Questioning (PDF:39KB)
35-04 P U D T Order of Examination of Witness (PDF:104KB)
35-05 P U D T Main Points of Examination of Witness (PDF:106KB)
35-06 P U D T Inspection (PDF:109KB)
35-07 P U D T Inspection Conducting Out-of-Court and These Cases (PDF:29KB)
35-08 P U D T Preservation of Evidence (PDF:113KB)
35-09 P U D T Actual Examples of Preservation of Evidence Cases (PDF:95KB)
35-10 P U D T Refund of Money on Deposit Deposited in Advance for Examination of Evidence (PDF:33KB)
35-11 P U D T Authorized Administrative Judges (PDF:32KB)
35-12 P U D T Expert Opinion (PDF:89KB)

36 Ex Officio Principle, Ex Officio Examination(PDF:108KB) (Latest version)

36-01 P U D T Ex Officio Principle and Examples of Ex Officio Examination(PDF:108KB)

37 Inquiry(PDF:160KB)

37-00 P U D T Order, Inquiry, Notice, etc.(PDF:73KB)
37-02 P U D T Inquiry(PDF:91KB)

38 Correction in General(PDF:1,586KB) (Latest version)

38-00 P       Claimed Invention Subject to Request for Correction(PDF:214KB)
38-01 P Unit of Claim to be Requested for Correction and a Group of Claims(PDF:228KB)
38-02 P       Correction of Descriptions or Drawings(PDF:223KB)
38-03 P Requirements for Corrections(PDF:326KB)
38-04 P       Object of the Request for Correction and the Reasons for Correction in a Written Request for (Trial for) Correction(PDF:227KB)
38-05 P       Corrected Description, the Scope of Claims or Drawings(PDF:259KB)
38-06 P       Fees Concerning Correction(PDF:200KB)

42 Conclusion and Resumption of the Proceedings(PDF:97KB) (Latest version)

42-00 P U D T Conclusion and Resumption of the Proceedings(PDF:84KB)
42-04       T Resumption of the Proceedings in Appeal Against an Examiner's Decision of Refusal of Trademarks(PDF:17KB)

43 Withdrawal, Waiver(PDF:268KB)

43-01 P U D T Authority of Acceptance or Rejection of Written Withdrawal(PDF:66KB)
43-02 P U D T Withdrawal Procedures Related to Demand/Request for Trial/Appeal (Opposition to Grant of Patent (Registration of Trademark))(PDF:115KB)
43-03 P U D T Waiver of Demand/Request for Trial/Appeal(PDF:19KB)
43-05 P U D T Partial Withdrawal of Demand/Request for Trial/Appeal (Opposition to Grant of Patent (Registration of Trademark))(PDF:83KB)

44 Decision, Decision on Dismissal(PDF:22KB)

44-01 P U D T Matters to Be Stated in Decision(PDF:22KB)

45 Trial and Appeal Decision(PDF:610KB)

45-01 P U D T Procedures for Rendering Trial and Appeal Decision(PDF:75KB)
45-03 P U D T Matters to be Stated in Inter-Partes Trial Decisions(PDF:90KB)
45-04 P U D T Indication of Conclusion of Trial/Appeal Decision and Decision(PDF:145KB)
45-06 P U D T Correction of Trial and Appeal Decisions, etc(PDF:89KB)
45-10 P U D T Indication of Party Concerned, etc. in Written Trial/Appeal Decision, etc.(PDF:77KB)
45-11 P U D T Cases in Which It Is Not Necessary to Describe Agents in Written Trial/Appeal Decision(PDF:29KB)
45-19 P U D T Dismissal by Trial/Appeal Decisions(PDF:69KB)
45-20 P   D T Clause Example of Dismissal of Trial/Appeal Decisions(PDF:91KB)

46 Final and Binding Trial/Appeal Decision, etc.(PDF:99KB) (Latest version)

46-00 P U D T Final and Binding Trial/Appeal Decision, etc.(PDF:297KB)

47 Costs(PDF:297KB)

47-01 P U D T Bearing of Costs in Connection with Trial/Appeal, etc. (PDF:88KB)
47-02 P U D T Determination of the Amount of Costs in Connection with Trial/Appeal(PDF:122KB)
47-03 P U D T Scope and Calculation of the Costs in Connection with Trial/Appeal(PDF:99KB)

50 Inter-Partes Trial (Including "Hantei" (advisory opinion on the technical scope of industrial property rights))(PDF:16KB) (Latest version)

50-00 P U D T Handling of a Demand/Request for Trial/Appeal in Which a Company in Bankruptcy Was Requested as a Demandee(PDF:16KB)

51 Trial for Invalidation(PDF:1,614KB)

51-00 P U D T Trial for Invalidation(PDF:253KB)
51-03 P U D T Trial for Invalidation Flow Charts by IP Type(PDF:599KB)
51-04 P U D T Subject of a Request for a Trial for Invalidation, Reasons for Invalidation(PDF:252KB)
51-05 P U D T Authorized Party, Concerned Party, and Intervenor of a Trial for Invalidation(PDF:172KB)
51-06 P U D T Restrictions on a Request for a Trial for Invalidation(PDF:176KB)
51-07 P U D T Written Request for a Trial for Invalidation(PDF:196KB)
51-08 P U D T Deficiency and Amendment of a Request for a Trial for Invalidation(PDF:228KB)
51-09 P U D T Formalities of Proceedings of a Trial for Invalidation(PDF:160KB)
51-10 P U D T Initiation of Proceedings of a Trial for Invalidation(PDF:143KB)
51-11 P       Request for Correction by Patentees(PDF:152KB)
51-13 P U D T Proceedings After the First Answer(PDF:191KB)
51-14 P       Proceedings After Submission of a Written Request for Correction(PDF:161KB)
51-15 P U D T Proceedings After Refutation of a Demandant(PDF:203KB)
51-16 P U D   Change of the Gist of “Reasons for a Written Request for Trial”(PDF:168KB)
51-17 P       Advance Notice of a Trial Decision(PDF:212KB)
51-18 P U D T Ex-Officio Proceedings in a Trial for Invalidation, a Notice of Reasons for Invalidation(PDF:183KB)
51-19 P U D T Trial Decision of a Trial for Invalidation, Registration in a Patent Register of the Trial Decision, etc.(PDF:206KB)
51-20 P       Handling of Prohibition of Double Jeopardy in a Request for Correction(PDF:134KB)
51-21 P U D T Procedures After a Trial Decision on a Trial for Invalidation is Rendered(PDF:167KB)
51-22 P       Handling of a Trial for Patent Invalidation and a Trial for Correction Pending at the Same Time(PDF:228KB)
51‐22.1 P U D T Multiple Co-Pending Trials for Invalidation(PDF:174KB)
51‐22.2 P U D T Trial for Invalidation Requested During a Revocation Action Against a Trial Decision Is Pending(PDF:157KB)
51-23   U     Trial for Invalidation of a Utility Model Registration(PDF:178KB)
51-23.1 P U     Table Comparing a Trial for Patent Invalidation and a Utility Model Registration(PDF:217KB)
51-23.2   U     Correction in a Trial for Invalidation of a Utility Model Registration(PDF:202KB)
51-23.3   U     Proceedings of a Trial for Invalidation of a Utility Model Registration、Based on a Patent Application Relating to the Same Invention(PDF:147KB)
51-25 P U D T Planned Proceedings(PDF:255KB)

53 Trial for Rescission of Trademark Registration(PDF:542KB)

53-00 T Procedure of Trial for Rescission Proceedings (PDF:80KB)
53-01       T Trial for Rescission on Grounds of Non-Use of Registered Trademark (PDF:249KB)
53-02       T Trial for Rescission on the Grounds of Falsely Applied Registered Trademark (PDF:93KB)
53-03       T Trial for Rescission against Trademark Registration in Bad Faith by Agent or Representative of the Owner of a Mark in a Country of the Union to the Paris Convention (PDF:66KB)
53-04       T Trial for Rescission to Prevent Confusion Arising from Transfer of Similar Trademark Right (PDF:60KB)

54 Trial for Correction (PDF:316KB)

54-00 P       Trial for Correction (PDF:40KB)
54-01 P       Request for a Trial for Correction (PDF:36KB)
54-02 P       Parties in a Trial for Correction (PDF:20KB)
54-03 P       Time Requirements for Submission of a Request for a Trial for Correction (PDF:60KB)
54-04 P       Procedure for a Trial for Correction (PDF:209KB)
54-05 P       Proceedings of a Trial for Correction (PDF:40KB)
54-05.1 P       Amendment Changing the Gist of Written Request for the Trial for Correction (PDF:40KB)
54-06 P       Remarks in Proceedings of a Trial for Correction (PDF:52KB)
54-07 P       Trial Decision in a Trial for Correction and Registration of a Trial Decision (PDF:62KB)

57 Intervention (PDF:622KB)

57-00 P U D T Intervention (PDF:113KB)
57-01 P U D T Types and Requirements of Intervention (PDF:118KB)
57-02 P U D T Non-Compliance with Formality Requirements of (Written) Application of Intervention (PDF:105KB)
57-05 P U D T Effects of Intervention (PDF:106KB)
57-07 P U D T Decision to Approve or Disapprove Intervention (PDF:110KB)
57-09 P U D T Request for Intervention and Dismissal or Withdrawal of Demand for Trial (PDF:122KB)

58 "Hantei (Advisory Opinion on the Technical Scope of Industrial Property Rights)" and the Commissioning of the Provision of an Expert Opinion by a Court (PDF:385KB)

58-00 P U D T Hantei (PDF:20KB)
58-01 P U D T Hantei Procedures (PDF:59KB)
58-02 P U D T Organizations that Provide Hantei and Procedures of Proceedings (PDF:50KB)
58-03 P U D T Proceedings of Hantei (PDF:84KB)
58-04 P       Hantei for an Essentiality Check (PDF:39KB)
58-10 P U D T Commissioning of the Provision of an Expert Opinion by a Court (PDF:230KB)
58-12 P U D   Seeking the Opinion of Director of Customs (PDF:17KB)
58-14 P U D T Asking Opinions and Statement of Opinions (PDF:14KB)

59 Exclusion and Recusation Trials and Appeals (PDF:515KB)

59-01 P U D T Grounds for Exclusion and Recusation, etc. (PDF:151KB)
59-02 P U D T Effects of a Motion Requesting an Exclusion and
Procedures for Trial for Exclusion and Effects of the Decision (PDF:118KB)
59-03 P U D T Effects of a Motion Requesting a Recusation and
Procedures for Trial for Recusation and Effects of the Decision (PDF:111KB)
59-05 P U D T Form of Decision of Exclusion or Recusation and Case Examples (PDF:145KB)

61 Appeal against Examiner's Decision of Refusal (PDF:1,498KB)

61-00.1 P       Basic Flow of Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal (PDF:147KB)
61-00.2 P       Simulated Example of Patent Examination and Appeal (PDF:114KB)
61-01 P   D T Subject to Appeal Against Examiner’s Decision of Refusal (PDF:106KB)
61-02 P   D T Party Concerned of Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal (PDF:118KB)
61-03 P   D T Time When a Request for Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal Can Be Filed (PDF:108KB)
61-04 P   D T Procedures for Filing a Request for Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal (PDF:120KB)
61-05 P   D T Examination of a Request for Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal (PDF:186KB)
61-05.1 P       Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal of a Patent Application Accompanied by (or Not Accompanied by) Appeal Against Examiner's Decision to Dismiss Amendment (PDF:120KB)
61-06 P   D T Procedure of Proceedings on Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal (PDF:108KB)
61-07 P   D T Appeal Decision of Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal (PDF:144KB)
61-10 P   D T Handling of Cases When an Application Is Converted After, or at the Same Time, a Request for Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal Is Filed (PDF:115KB)
61-11 P       In Appeal Against Examiner’s Decision of Refusal for a Patent Application, a Notice to the Patentees When an Invention Claimed in the Patent Application Is the Same Invention that Has Been Filed on the Same Day by a Different Applicant and Already Registered (PDF:130KB)
61-12       T Handling of Appeal Against Examiner's Decision Cases When the Cited Trademarks are Pending in Either a Trial for Trademark Invalidation or a Trial for Rescission of Trademark Registration (PDF:106KB)

62 the Effects of Examination Procedures and Notice of Reasons for Refusal (PDF:408KB) (Latest version)

62-02 P       Handling of an Application When It Has Been Refused on the Grounds of No Novelty in the Examiner's Decision, However, Consider It Appropriate to Refuse the Same Application on the Grounds of No Inventive Step at Appeal (PDF:103KB)
62-03 P       Handling of an Application When It Has Been Refused on the Grounds of No Inventive Step in the Examiner's Decision, However, Consider It Appropriate to Refuse the Same Application on the Grounds of No Novelty at Appeal (PDF:106KB)
62-04 P       Handling of the Publication of Unexamined Utility Model Applications Used as Cited Publications (PDF:112KB)
62-06 P   D T In Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal, Handling of Reasons for Refusal that Have Been Notified in the Examination, but Not Become Reasons for the Examiner’s Decision (PDF:104KB)

63 Amendment and Decision to Dismiss Amendment (PDF:105KB) (Latest version)

63-04 P       Drafting of Decisions When an Examiner’s Decision to Dismiss Amendment Is Rendered Along with an Appeal Decision in Appeal Against Examiner’s Decision of Refusal (PDF:105KB)

66 Opposition to Registration of Trademark(PDF:375KB)

66-00       T Opposition to Registration of Trademark (PDF:75KB)
66-01       T Procedures for Opposition to Registration of Trademark (PDF:98KB)
66-02       T Holder of Trademark Right, Opponent, Intervenor (PDF:27KB)
66-03       T Method of Filing an Opposition to Registration of Trademark (PDF:52KB)
66-04       T Proceedings on the Opposition to Registration (PDF:59KB)
66-05       T Proceedings of Opposition to Registration of Trademark (PDF:33KB)
66-06       T Decision on Opposition to Registration of Trademark (PDF:44KB)
66-07       T Relationship between the Opposition to Registration of Trademark and Trials and Appeals (PDF:42KB)

67 Opposition to Grant of Patent(PDF:3,795KB)

67-00 P       Opposition to Grant of Patent(PDF:219KB)
67-01 P       Reasons for Opposition to Grant of Patent and Time Limit for Filing a Request for Opposition to Grant of Patent(PDF:236KB)
67-02 P       Patentee, Opponent and Intervenor of Opposition to Grant of Patent(PDF:214KB)
67-03 P       Opposition to Grant of Patent Procedures(PDF:107KB)
67-04 P       Deficiencies and Amendment in Opposition to Grant of Patent(PDF:219KB)
67-05 P       Opposition to Grant of Patent Proceedings(PDF:419KB)
67-05.1 P       Notification of Reasons for Revocation(PDF:221KB)
67-05.2 P       Submission of Written Opinion or Written Request for Correction by Patentee(PDF:242KB)
67-05.3 P       Proceedings of Submission of Written Opinion or Written Request for Correction(PDF:246KB)
67-05.4 P       Submission of Written Opinion by Opponent(PDF:220KB)
67-05.5 P       Notification of Reasons for Revocation (Advance Notice of Trial Decision)(PDF:230KB)
67-06 P       Decision on Opposition to Grant of Patent(PDF:242KB)
67-07 P       Handling of Multiple Oppositions to Grant of Patent(PDF:225KB)
67-08 P       Proceedings Before Expiry of a Time Limit for Filing a Request for Opposition to Grant of Patent(PDF:219KB)
67-09 P       Co-pending Requests for Opposition to Grant of Patent and Trial for Invalidation(PDF:229KB)
67-10 P       Relationship between Opposition to Grant of Patent and Trial for correction(PDF:227KB)
67-11 P       Handling of Opposition to Grant of Patent Case after the Opposed Patent Has Been Surrendered or Has Lapsed(PDF:209KB)

69 Trial Against the Examiner's Decision Dismissing an Amendment (PDF:125KB)

69-02     D T Examples of Appeal Decision of Appeal Against Examiner’s Decision to Dismiss an Amendment Case (PDF:125KB)

70 Retrial (PDF:153KB)

70-00 P U D T Retrial (PDF:153KB)

78 Examples of Retrial (PDF:153KB) (Latest version)

78-00 P U D T Examples of Retrial (PDF:153KB)

80 Litigation (PDF:251KB)

80-00 P U D T A Suit Rescinding a Trial/Appeal Decision (PDF:138KB)
80-01 P U D T Administrative Work Associated with Filing a Lawsuit (PDF:114KB)

83 Litigation in General (PDF:211KB)

83-00.5 P U D T Appeal Against a Chief Administrative Judge’s Decision to Dismiss (PDF:103KB)
83-02.2 P U D T Composition of Panel to Handle Trial/Appeal Cases That Have Been Remanded by Court (PDF:108KB)

[Last Updated 24 September 2024]


Trial and Appeal Policy Planning Office, Trial and Appeal Division, Trial and Appeal Department,

Japan Patent Office

E-mail: PA6B00@jpo.go.jp