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In the JPO Quick Reads, KITAMURA Hiroki, Director-General, Patent Examination Department, briefly introduces the JPO initiatives and information on every Monday!
In addition, we would be very grateful if you would take the time to complete “The JPO Quick Reads Reader Survey.”
The JPO and the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) co-hosted a seminar!
On November 6, 2024, the JPO and the MyIPO co-hosted a follow-up seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The seminar was aimed at Malaysian alumni of the training courses in IP rights tailored for developing countries by the JPO.
The seminar, which focused on the patent opposition systems, was attended by approximately 100 IP stakeholders in Malaysia from universities, research institutions, law firms and the MyIPO. Participants deepened their understanding of the latest trends in IP policies in Japan and Malaysia, particularly with respect to the patent opposition systems.
The JPO will continue to support the development of human resources for IP in other countries by building human networks and providing opportunities for information exchange!
The Annual Meeting of the Industrial Design 5 Forum (ID5) was held in Japan!
On December 12, 2024, the JPO hosted the 10th Annual Meeting of the Industrial Design 5 Forum (ID5) in Hakone-machi in Kanagawa Prefecture, with WIPO as an observer.
During the meeting, the ID5 offices recognized the importance of new challenges regarding designs due to the development of new technologies such as the metaverse and generative AI, and confirmed their continued cooperation on these matters.
The JPO's newly proposed project, "Challenges for design system posed by new technologies," has been adopted. With respect to the projects “Indication for registered designs”, which is being co-led by the JPO and the USPTO, and “Compilation of industrial design statistics”, which is being led by the JPO, the ID5 offices reached agreements on how to proceed with them in the future.
On the following day, December 13, the ID5 User Session was held both in-person and online for design system users, including domestic and international industry associations and patent attorney associations. In addition to reports from each office on the latest policy developments, user representatives from various countries gave presentations and exchanged opinions on the theme "Contemporary aspects of Design - AI, infringement on the Internet, etc. - ".
The JPO will continue to make contributions toward the promotion of appropriate protection and utilization of design rights through the efforts of the ID5!
The Annual Meeting of the Five Trademark Offices (TM5) was held in Japan!
From December 9-11, 2024, the 13th Annual Meeting of the Five Trademark Offices (TM5) was held in Hakone-machi in Kanagawa Prefecture, hosted by the JPO.
At the meeting, the TM5 offices discussed future steps for a total of 15 cooperative projects and one newly proposed project, all of which were intended to harmonize and improve trademark procedures in respective countries while also enhancing services for users. The TM5 offices also confirmed that they would continue to cooperate in order to address new trademark issues under emerging technologies such as AI, as well as changing business practices.
With respect to the projects "User Involvement", "Bad Faith Trademark" and "IT Support for Trademark Examination", which are being led by the JPO, the TM5 offices reached to agreements on how to proceed with them in the future.
On the final day of the meeting, the TM5 User Session was held for user representatives from industry groups and agent organizations. In addition to reports from the TM5 offices on the latest statistics and measures, user representatives also gave presentations on the topic of Bad Faith Trademark Filings, wherein participants held discussions and exchanged opinions.
The JPO will continue to make contributions toward the promotion of appropriate protection and utilization of trademark rights though the efforts of TM5!
The JPO dispatched its examiners to the INPI for the first time for an in-person examiner exchange program!
The Examiner Exchange Program between the Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the National Institute of Industrial Property of France (INPI) started in 2020. Two JPO examiners and two INPI examiners participated in the program on December 2 to 6, 2024, in which JPO examiners were dispatched to INPI.
They discussed their common patent cases in two technical fields of terminal parts and electric device, exchanging knowledge on prior art search methods and systems and operation of examination standards. In addition, officials responsible for policy consultations joined the program from both Offices to introduce and exchange opinions on AI utilization status and examination quality management processes for examination practices.
Participants from both Offices commented as follows.
The JPO will continue to create an environment wherein users of IP systems can expand their businesses globally, while fostering trusting relationship with overseas partners, including INPI, on examiner level!
Let me introduce the FIT Japan IP Global Achievements highlighted at the WIPO event!
The Funds-in-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global (FIT Japan IP Global) is a fund of voluntary contributions from Japan to WIPO. Its purpose is to support developing countries and least developed countries (LDC) around the world to enhance their understanding of IP systems, build IP-related capabilities, and foster innovation and technology transfer. This contributes significantly to the social and economic development.
At a side event of the 33rd Session of the WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP), the achievements of the FIT Japan IP Global were highlighted and received much attention. The results of various support initiatives, including management and technical guidance for female agri-business entrepreneurs in Africa on utilizing IP, support for indigenous communities in leveraging IP to enhance the value of traditional products, and branding support using IP, were showcased and attracted considerable interest from many participants.
A panel discussion also featured representatives of supported female agri-business entrepreneurs and indigenous communities, WIPO GREEN stakeholders, as well as mentors and consultants from the support projects, who shared their insights on successful cases, challenges, and future prospects of IP utilization. We believe that the participants of the event gained a concrete understanding of how IP contributes to economic development.
The JPO, through the FIT Japan IP Global, remains committed to supporting countries in leveraging IP for economic development!
The JPO provided Examination Practice Training Programs in the biotechnology field for Viet Nam!
Five-day Examination Practice Training Program for patent examiners of the IP Viet Nam was held from October 28 to November 1, 2024. Dr. TANOUE, a JPO patent examiner with extensive practical experience in patent examination for the biotechnology field, provided the lectures for 21 participants, including patent examiners, from the IP Viet Nam.
The subject technical area was proposed by the IP Viet Nam. Participants deepened their understanding of patent examination practices such as JPO's determination criteria for novelty and inventive step in the biotechnology field through case studies using actual patent applications.
Participants commented, "The instructor was very professional, and his lectures were really useful.”
Together with partner IP offices around the world, the JPO creates a favorable environment for trade and investment by strengthening the protection of IP rights including those related to state-of-the-art technologies!
The JPO provided Examination Practice Training Programs in the field of electrical engineering, as well as examination practices for new examiners, for Thailand!
A total of five-day Examination Practice Training Programs for patent examiners of the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) Thailand were held from October 16 to 22, 2024. This time, three JPO patent examiners (Mr. KAMIYA, Mr. KAWASAKI and Mr. YAMAGUCHI) with extensive practical experience in the subject areas served as instructors. A total of thirty-seven DIP patent examiners participated in the programs.
The subject technical areas were proposed by the DIP. The trainees extended their understanding of patent examination practices including prior art searches and JPO's Multi-Factor Reasoning (MFR) criteria for an inventive step.
Here are some of the comments we received from participating DIP examiners:
While deepening our relationships with each IP office, the JPO support the creation of a favorable environment for trade and investment by strengthening the protection of IP rights!
The JPO provided Examination Practice Training Programs in the field of AI/IoT and biotechnology for Indonesia!
Four-day Examination Practice Training Programs for patent examiners of the Director General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) were held in Indonesia from October 15 to 18, 2024. This time, two JPO patent examiners (Mr. NAMEDA and Mr. MITANI) with extensive practical experience in the subject areas served as instructors. Fifty-six and fifty-seven DGIP patent examiners participated in the program for AI/IoT and the biotechnology, respectively.
The subject technical areas were proposed by the DGIP. The trainees deepened their understanding of patent examination practices including determination methods specific to each subject area by working on case studies based on existing patent applications in the field of AI/IoT and biotechnology.
Here are some of the comments we received from participating DGIP examiners:
Together with partner IP offices around the world, the JPO creates a favorable environment for trade and investment by strengthening the protection of IP rights!
The JPO publishes a guidebook in English and Chinese for overseas users who are thinking of obtaining a design right in Japan!
Overseas users may have felt difficulty in understanding the differences between the design systems in their country and Japan.
The guidebook "Your Key to Success: for Obtaining a Design Right in Japan" is intended for our overseas users who are acquainted with the design systems in their own country but not so familiar with that in Japan.
It focuses on mistakes which overseas users are likely to make regarding the Japanese design system including recent revisions of laws and regulations, as well as tips on filing a design application in Japan, using actual and hypothetical case examples.
Following the English version published in January 2024, a Chinese version of the guidebook was released in November 2024.
The JPO will provide useful information to support IP users both in Japan and abroad to develop their business globally!
The JPO and the CNIPA deepened understanding of each office’s examination practices!
The JPO has conducted Examiner Exchange Programs with the CNIPA since 2008. In 2024, the program was held twice; once in July, in China, and the other in October, in Japan. In this year’s program, participating examiners exchanged views on common patent application cases in four technical fields (applied physics, refrigerating and air-conditioning engineering, medical science, and video systems). They also exchanged information on prior art search methods and operation of examination standards.
Having the same combination of examiners at both meetings the discussions were more in-depth and considered. For instance, some knowledge on examination practice gained from the first exchange meeting were explored further or supplemented in the second meeting. Participants from both offices commented as follows.
The JPO will continue to create an environment wherein users of IP systems can expand their businesses globally, while fostering trusting relationship with overseas partners, including CNIPA, on examiner level!
The JPO co-hosted a symposium aiming to deepen understanding of trial and appeal system and IP judicial system in Japan, Europe and the United States!
Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property 2024 (JSIP2024) was held on October 24 and 25, 2024. It was co-hosted by the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Supreme Court, the Intellectual Property High Court, the Ministry of Justice, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and the Intellectual Property Lawyers Network Japan.
For the program of October 25, hosted by the JPO, experienced chief administrative judges from the European Patent Office (EPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) were invited as speakers. The program began with presentations given by speakers from each office on the latest trends in IP judicial cases and systems in Japan, Europe and the United States. Following that, the JPO conducted mock oral proceedings of a trial for invalidation. Finally, based on the mock oral proceedings, a panel discussion was held among chief administrative judges from each office regarding methods of oral proceedings and determination on novelty and inventive step. In particular, there was an advanced discussion by experienced panelists on issues that many practitioners are currently facing in the era of digitalization, such as the validity of information published on the internet or its archives as evidence in the determination of inventive step.
The JPO will continue to provide valuable and high-quality information in the field of IP and patent trials!
The JPO and the Vietnam DMS are strengthening the cooperation in the field of anti-counterfeiting!
Mr. Tran Huu LINH, Director General of the Vietnam Directorate of Market Surveillance (DMS), visited the Japan Patent Office (JPO) on October 24, 2024, for a meeting with Mr. TAKIZAWA Go, Director General of the Policy Planning and Coordination Department of the JPO. The DMS has the authority to seize counterfeit products in Vietnam. The DMS is also an important administrative organization that leads the local market surveillance agencies. Mr. LINH and Mr. TAKIZAWA exchanged information on the latest IP policies, confirmed the progress of cooperative projects based on the Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) signed between the two offices in 2021, and confirmed that they will continue to promote mutual understanding and strengthen cooperation.
Through the meeting, the JPO and the DMS came to a strong realization that allowing counterfeit products will have a negative effect not only on brand owners, but also on consumers and society. They also agreed to strengthen cooperation with brand owners more than ever before.
The JPO and the DMS will continue to work together to improve the environment for proper IPR protection, which also leads to consumer protection, in Vietnam!
The JPO held the 42nd Trilateral Heads of Office meeting with the USPTO and the EPO!
The cooperation of Trilateral Offices is an important framework consisting of three experienced patent offices: the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the European Patent Office (EPO), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Under the mature relationships fostered since 1983, the Trilateral Offices Meeting is deemed a forum for policy discussions, whereas the IP5 Offices Meeting is a forum for practical discussions.
On October 14, 2024, the 42nd Trilateral Heads of Office meeting was held in Tokyo, with the participation of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as an observer. Prior to the meeting, a Trilateral Heads of Office with Trilateral Industry meeting was also held on the same day with the Trilateral User Groups (IT3: Industry Trilateral) from Japan, the United States and Europe. These meetings included discussions on how IP offices can support the strategic integration of IP and management under the theme of SDG9 "Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure".
At the meeting with industrial sector, the Trilateral Offices with IT3 have confirmed that all businesses can benefit from the earliest-stage incorporation of an IP management strategy into their business plans. In addition, the Trilateral Offices held discussions to deepen mutual understanding of what high-quality patents are and what role government offices should play in granting such high-quality patents.
The JPO will continue to deepen policy discussions with the USPTO and the EPO, and focus on providing necessary information and environment for users to practice IP management!
The JPO provided patent examiners of the MyIPO with a training program on prior art search methods utilizing FI and F-term!
From August 5 to 7, 2024, the JPO provided a training program to patent examiners of the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).
During the three-day program, Mr. EBISUTANI, a patent examiner of the JPO with extensive practical experience, served as the instructor, and Mr. KUZUYA, a junior patent examiner, assisted in the training. Then, 20 patent examiners from the MyIPO participated in the program.
The participants were assigned to work on case studies using relevant existing patent applications and performed prior art searches with FI and F-term, which are JPO’s patent classification systems. They deepened their understanding of effective and efficient prior art search methods through the case studies. Participants commented, "This interactive training program enables us to understand FI and F-term well. We would like to use them in our future examination practices."
The JPO will continue providing effective support the countries seeking to develop and strengthen their patent examination system!
The JPO and the ASEAN IP offices adopted the Japan-ASEAN Joint Statement for IP 2024 at the 14th Japan-ASEAN Heads of IP Offices Meeting!
The ASEAN member states have been advancing efforts to improve the IP environment in the ASEAN region in accordance with the ASEAN IP Rights Action Plan 2016-2025, which was formulated by the ASEAN Working Group on Intellectual Property Cooperation (AWGIPC). To support the efforts of the ASEAN member states, the JPO has been cooperating with them in various ways over the years.
Aiming to further enrich the cooperation, the JPO and the ASEAN member states held the 14th Japan-ASEAN Heads of IP Offices Meeting in Brunei Darussalam on September 3, 2024.
In the meeting, the JPO and ASEAN IP offices adopted the Japan-ASEAN Joint Statement for IP 2024. In the statement, the partner countries agreed at a high-level to recognize the discussion outcomes from the Japan-ASEAN Patent Experts Meetings since 2020, including the importance of enhancing the transparency and predictability of patent examination practices in emerging technologies such as AI & IoT and the significance of developing a system to correct mistranslations of filed applications. It was the first adoption of a joint statement in five years since convening the Ninth Japan-ASEAN Heads of IP Offices Meeting.
The JPO will continue to cooperate with the IP offices of the ASEAN member states and promote efforts to improve the IP environment in the ASEAN region!
Commissioner of the JPO attended "IP week" and delivered a speech on up-to-date topics!
On 27 August, during the event "IP Week" hosted by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS), JPO Commissioner ONO delivered a keynote speech.
Commissioner ONO talked of Japanese stakeholders’ thoughts on the influence of AI in IP system and introduced the JPO’s initiatives on AI and other emerging technologies as well as the JPO’s international collaborations on such matters. He also urged the audience to think about the relationship between AI and IP systems, emphasizing that IP Offices should not just trail technical innovations but should also facilitate them.
The JPO, together with IP stakeholders around the world, will continue to drive the creation of innovation!
The JPO hosted the IP5 StatWG meeting!
From August 20 to 23, 2024, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) hosted the Five IP offices Statistics Working Group (IP5 StatWG) meeting in the JPO building. In the meeting, each IP office presented their latest trends and forecasts of patent applications and reported about the exchange of statistical data among the Offices. The JPO proposed to start promoting R&D and utilization of green technologies through statistical analysis, and the proposal was discussed.
As for Green Transformation (GX), the JPO has developed and published a statistical method to obtain objective results by analyzing patent information. Through such efforts, the JPO promotes R&D and utilization of green technology.
The use of patent information is an effective tool to address global climate change, which has become increasingly problematic in recent years. The JPO promotes R&D and utilization of green technologies by disseminating the effective use of the patent system and patent information!
The JPO organized a special event for children again this year!
In August 2024, the JPO held the “Junior Innovation Festival: Ancient Invention and Adventure” in Tokyo and Nagoya as a hands-on learning event for children. In Tokyo, the event took place in the entrance hall of the JPO building in Kasumigaseki.
There were three workshops, which offered hands-on experience getting in touch with the essence of creativity, as well as a booth where young visitors could interact with JPO patent examiners.
In order to establish a social framework that produces high-quality intellectual property, the JPO will further raise IP awareness of younger generation in Japan!
An IP seminar was held in Kazakhstan with cooperation from the JPO!
An IP seminar organized by the National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Qazpatent), with cooperation from the JPO, was held in Astana, Kazakhstan from May 28 to 29, 2024.
The seminar consisted of three parts: trademark examination, patent examination quality, and anti-counterfeiting as proposed by Qazpatent. Representatives from both the JPO and Qazpatent gave lectures and actively exchanged opinions, which helped to deepen mutual understanding and develop cooperative relationships between the two offices. In the part of anti-counterfeiting, awareness raising videos produced by the JPO were presented, and the Qazpatent representatives on the issue commented that it was "very interesting and helpful".
This IP seminar was based on the Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) in the field of IP, which was signed between the JPO and Qazpatent during the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO in July 2023.
The JPO will continue to strengthen the cooperation with IP Offices overseas in order to enhance the protection of IP rights in each country!
The JPO provided an Examination Practice Training Program in the field of Smart Agriculture for the Philippines!
A five-day Examination Practice Training Program for patent examiners of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) was held from May 20 to 24, 2024. In the program, Mr. KOBAYASHI, a JPO patent examiner with extensive practical experience, served as an instructor, assisted by a JPO junior patent examiner. Thirty-six IPOPHL patent examiners participated as trainees.
The subject technical area was proposed by the IPOPHL. The trainees were assigned to work on case studies based on existing patent applications in the field of Smart Agriculture. Through group discussions focusing on inventive step, the trainees deepened their understanding of the patent examination practices of the JPO, including the Multi-Factor Reasoning (MFR) criteria.
Here are some of the comments we received from participating IPOPHL examiners.
“The cases are very relevant and worthy of discussion. Particularly the cases are practical and are easily relatable to the participants. The lecturer is also knowledgeable of the subject matter.”
“I think multi-factor reasoning is a great tool in assessing inventive step. I would certainly use it in my examination practice.”
The JPO is committed to creating a favorable environment for trade and investment by strengthening the protection of IP rights, together with partner IP offices around the world!
The latest issue of ENISHI is published!
The ENISHI is an information magazine for “IP Friends” which are the alumni of JPO/IPR Training Courses for developing countries.
The latest issue of ENISHI, No. 37, published in July 2024, is available on the JPO website. In this issue, we feature articles written by trainees from Mexico and Thailand, sharing their experiences from last year’s courses held in Japan. You can also read articles related to IP such as AI/designs/trademarks in Kenya, Mexico and Peru.
The ENISHI delivers useful information not only for the alumni but for many IP users, so please take a look.
The JPO will continue to support the production of human resources that will play a major role in the IP infrastructure of developing countries and help build a network of them!
IP5 have published a more detailed comparison table!
A detailed comparison table for IP5 Offices’ examination practices on AI-related inventions was approved as a JPO-led project outcome in the IP5 Heads of Office held on 20 June 2024, and it is now available on the IP5 website.
This is a newly compiled table with a more detailed classification of the examination cases for AI-related inventions, which is derived from the comparison table with laws and examination criteria approved by IP5 last year. By listing materials in the form of hyperlinks to webpages, the information in the table will not become outdated, and users can always access the most up-to-date materials by clicking on the links.
The JPO will continue to contribute to the efforts of IP5 so that the global users are able to get patents in multiple countries!
Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of the JPO attended the WIPO Assemblies 2024!
At this year’s Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, which took place from 9 to 17 July, various reports, budgets, and activities of the respective committees were discussed.
On the first day, the JPO Commissioner ONO delivered a General Statement expressing the commitment to supports for developing countries, continuous efforts to achieve the SDGs, including WIPO GREEN, and active participation in the Diplomatic Conference on the Design Law Treaty (DLT). Mr. ONO also stated that the JPO plans to cooperate with WIPO for the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.
The JPO will continue to cooperate with WIPO and its Member States to promote international initiatives on IP!
JPO is undertaking JPO/IPR Training Courses!
The JPO conducts training courses online and in person by invitation. The courses are designed for government officials from IP offices and other agencies, including examiners working in developing countries, and IP experts in the private sector to enhance their knowledge of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). In FY2023, the JPO held 16 courses and a total of 296 trainees participated.
In addition, the JPO organizes seminars every year with the aim of sustaining and following up the training achievements, promoting cooperation among trainees, and supporting the dissemination and awareness of IPR systems.
The JPO will continue to support the strengthening of IP systems in developing countries and make contributions that will lead to further economic development in each country!
The JPO Commissioner has attended the 17th IP5 Heads of Office Meeting!
The 17th IP5 Heads of Office Meeting was held in Seoul, Korea on June 20, 2024. At the meeting, the five Offices approved an extensive comparative table on examination cases of the IP5 Offices for AI-related inventions as a result of a material collecting project led by the JPO. Also, the Offices reached an agreement to develop ‘Guidelines for Building a Sustainable Future’ in recognition of the need for long-term approaches to realizing the new IP5 vision, which was adopted last year.
A meeting of the IP5 Heads of Office with IP5 Industry was also held on June 19, one day prior to the meeting, in order to exchange views on strengthening cooperation in promoting SME growth through IP.
The JPO will continue to contribute to IP5 initiatives!
The JPO has established a support system with external experts to ensure appropriate examination of AI-related inventions!
When examining AI-related inventions, which are advancing remarkably, it is important for examiners to have an appropriate knowledge of the latest technological levels and technological trends.
Therefore, as of April 1, 2024, the JPO established a new position called “AI Advisors” to provide support (e.g., technological training and responses to inquiries) to patent examiners, based on their expertise on AI-related technologies. AI advisors are comprised of external experts such as university professors and researchers.
This is an effort to help patent examiners not only to ceaselessly improve their knowledge on AI-related technology but also to ensure the quality of examination for AI-related inventions.
The JPO will continue to take necessary actions for the examination of AI-related inventions!
The JPO took part in the INTA 2024 Annual Meeting, which attracted almost 10,000 registrants this year!
The JPO participated in the 146th Annual Meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA), which was held from May 18 to 22 in Atlanta, Georgia in the United States.
During the meeting, the JPO introduced its latest development at TM5 related events, held a panel discussion on anti-counterfeiting measures, and set up the “JPO Anti-Counterfeiting Booth” to exchange information with experts from around the world on current status of anti-counterfeiting measures and cross-sectoral efforts between government offices and private sectors.
The JPO will continue to deepen its ties with specialists in trademarks and anti-counterfeiting measures around the world!
The JPO is promoting diversity and inclusion (D&I)!
To promote innovation, it is important to leverage the diversity of human resources including women and youth. Based on this idea, there has been a growing trend in recent years to promote diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the field of IP.
At the JPO, “Diversity and Inclusion Team” comprised of cross-organizational members was first launched in 2023. The team has helped the development of positive career visions through interviewing IP specialists and compiling a collection of messages. In addition, the JPO has engaged in international collaborations with USPTO, WIPO and other IP Offices to help establish a global network in the field of D&I.
Please refer to the following links for information on various activities of the JPO related to D&I!
The JPO held a meeting with members of the AIPLA to exchange opinions!
On 15th April, the members of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) visited the JPO and held a meeting with JPO Commissioner HAMANO Koichi.
During this meeting, the JPO introduced its latest developments including examinations for AI-related inventions, the Trademark Act revision that came into effect on April 1st, and other recent topics of interest. The AIPLA gave an introduction to the latest AI-related IP topics in the United States.
The JPO is working with the users around the world to ensure appropriate protection of intellectual property!
The JPO adds new cases to clarify the key points of its examination of AI-related inventions!
The JPO has been creating case examples pertinent to AI-related technologies and publishing them on the JPO website.
As of March 13, 2024, ten new cases were added. In light of the rapid development of generative AI, the JPO updated the case examples in such a way that even companies that have had little connection with AI-related technologies would be able to use them as a reference when applying for a patent involving AI technologies. Case examples pertaining to generative AI and materials informatics were also created for this edition. Both affirmative and denied cases are presented in order to better clarify the determining factors in the examination.
We hope these case examples will help your understanding of JPO’s examination of AI-related invention!
The JPO is accepting requests for US-JP Collaborative Search Pilot Program!
The US-JP Collaborative Search Pilot Program (US-JP CSP) is a joint effort between the USPTO and the JPO in which examiners in both Japan and the United States respectively conduct a prior art search for cross-filed patent applications to share search results along with their opinions and provide the initial examination results from respective Offices to the applicants in an expeditious and concurrent manner. The first phase of the US-JP CSP started in August 2015.
In November 2022, a single petition form was introduced to simplify the petition process and the burden on applicants has been reduced. The currently implemented program continues until October 31, 2024.
We hope more users are encouraged to take advantage of the US-JP CSP when acquiring rights in Japan and the United States!
This time, we provided a training program to Indonesia!
The Japan Patent Office (JPO) provided face-to-face Examination Practice Training Program for the Director General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) examiners in Indonesia for a total of four days from February 19 to 22, 2024. The training focused on effective prior art search methods.
This time, two JPO International Training Instructors of the Global Patent Academy (GPA) with extensive practical experience in patent examination visited the DGIP office and served as instructors, and thirty-eight DGIP examiners participated as trainees.
Participating DGIP examiners said, “We were able to understand how to conduct a prior art search in concrete terms through the on-the-job style training using actual patent applications.”
We will continue to provide cooperation to emerging countries, including follow-up courses to our past training programs in patent examination practice!
The JPO has released the poster for “Invention Day” of the year 2024!
The 18th of April is Invention Day in Japan, since Patent Monopoly Act was announced on the day in 1885.
The theme of the poster in 2024 is “Inventions connect the world!” It shows that people who are far away from each other can play together using VR technologies.
With invented technologies, the world is becoming more and more convenient and interesting.
We hope you see the poster and think about the importance of IP systems!
It is the first time that WIPO has signed a statement of cooperation with its member states to provide support for SMEs and start-ups on a global scale through Funds-In-Trust!
In February, Mr. SAITO Ken, Minister of Economy Trade and Industry, held a meeting with Mr. Daren TANG, Director General of WIPO. They reached a consensus on mutual cooperation in supporting SMEs and start-ups in developing countries in the field of intellectual property through the Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global, disseminating GX technologies through WIPO GREEN, and promoting the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan toward its success.
On the same day, Mr. HAMANO Koichi, Commissioner of the JPO, and Mr. TANG signed the “Cooperation Statement in the field of support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Start-ups, and Entrepreneurs," and exchanged views on the promotion of technology matching in WIPO GREEN and their cooperation in the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.
With these high-level talks as a driving force, Japan will further strengthen its collaborative relationship with WIPO!
This week, we present our partnership agreement with a local government!
In January 2024, the JPO, Fukushima Prefecture and the Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework Promotion Organization (FIPO) concluded a partnership agreement on protection and utilization of intellectual property.
Under this agreement, the three parties aim to deepen their existing IP-related efforts in Fukushima, promote the Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework, and ultimately contribute to the reconstruction and regional development of Fukushima Prefecture through close cooperation of the three parties.
The role of the JPO in this partnership is to promote the protection and utilization of intellectual property of companies in Fukushima by close cooperation with the “IP business management Support Network”, which we presented last week in this column, as well as by relaxing the requirements for accelerated examination/ accelerated appeal examination for applicants in the disaster area.
We hope that domestic measures of the JPO will be a helpful reference for foreign IP Offices and users!
Here is how the JPO supports SME and Startups!
In March 2023, three core entities for IP business management support, namely, the JPO, the National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT) and the Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA), along with the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) made a joint declaration for establishing a four-party network called the “IP business management Support Network”.
Through this network, the JPO will strengthen and enhance support for regional SMEs and startups and help increase the "earning power” of the regions.
Aiming to create a one-stop shop providing IP management support services of same standards anywhere in Japan, the four parties are working closely and conducting joint workshops for the support personnel in many areas across the country.
We will present another example of domestic initiatives of the JPO next week!
Let us give you an example of JPO’s work in Africa!
In November last year, Mr. Kenichi MOROOKA, Director General of the JPO Patent Examination Department travelled to South Africa and Botswana to hold bilateral meetings on cooperation in the field of intellectual property with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) of South Africa, Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) of Botswana, and the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), respectively.
During the meetings, he exchanged opinions regarding human resource development trainings provided by the JPO, as well as support to African nations through the WIPO Funds-in-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global.
Also, Director General MOROOKA, in his address at the 19th Session of the ARIPO Council of Ministers held in Botswana, stated that the JPO would continue to promote active cooperation with Africa.
The JPO will continue to promote cooperation with African IP offices!
We have updated the JPO Key Features this year!
“The JPO Key Features” is a web content that presents a concise, charted overview of the services, ongoing initiatives and policies provided by the JPO. This year, we added new contents, such as “PR Materials for Overseas Users,” “How to register a trademark in Japan,” and “Guidebook for Overseas Users on Design System in Japan.”
The JPO continues to offer useful information on its work to users!
We will help enhance your understanding of the Japanese trademark system!
If you want to expand your business in Japan, it is essential to register your trademark in Japan.
That is why the JPO published a support guide “How to register a trademark in Japan” for overseas users in September 2023. It contains a summary of the Japanese trademark system and a list of points to keep in mind when filing a trademark application in Japan.
In the guide, the process of filing a trademark application with the JPO is divided into five steps and each step is summarized in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, focusing on the points that overseas users should be aware of. Plenty of links to detailed information are also provided.
Please refer to this guide when applying for trademark registration in Japan!
The JPO has renewed its Presentation materials!
For overseas users, the JPO publishes PR materials summarizing its updates and initiatives. JPO’s strengths and measures that are beneficial to users are concisely introduced. The materials are frequently used in JPO’s presentations in various events and in opinion exchanges with overseas users.
In addition to the PR materials for overseas users, the link below contains some other documents, which we encourage you to take a look at!
Do you know about Accelerated Examination and Super Accelerated Examination?
By requesting Accelerated Examination or Super Accelerated Examination, you can obtain examination results more quickly than under regular examination.
The average first action pendencies are as follows (FY2022):
Regular Examination | 10.0 months |
Accelerated Examination | 2.2 months |
Super Accelerated Examination | 0.9 months |
Request for fast-track schemes is free of charge.
The JPO offers the "worldʼs fastest and utmost quality patent examinations"!
The JPO and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) have jointly conducted a comparative study on patent examination practices for AI-related inventions!
In recent years, there have been active research and development of AI-related technologies which have resulted in significant increases in AI-related patent applications. It is important for an IP office to demonstrate its current examination practices for AI-related inventions to patent users.
Based on these circumstances, the JPO and the CNIPA have jointly conducted a comparative study on AI-related inventions to illustrate the similarities and differences in examination practices for AI-related inventions at both patent offices.
Multiple example cases were studied for patentability such as eligibility, inventive step, and enablement requirement/support requirement, respectively, in the comparative study.
For more information, please see the report (in English) at the link below.
We hope the report will be helpful when filing a patent application with the JPO!
A request to international IP offices from the JPO
A massive earthquake and tsunami occurred on January 1st around the Noto Peninsula of Japan.
Due to the earthquake, some Japanese applicants, holders, and agents cannot contact or carry out procedures with IP offices.
We are requesting international IP offices to apply relief measures to the victims of the disaster.
If you would like to provide information about the relief measures you are able to offer, please contact us at the following address.
Japan Patent Office International Policy Division/International Cooperation Division
E-mail: PA0800@jpo.go.jp
Thank you very much for your sympathy and consideration in this matter.
Here is an example of JPO’s international efforts to combat counterfeiting!
In October 2023, the JPO participated in the Sub-Regional Workshop on Enforcement in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The event was financially supported by the JPO.
With the aim of strengthening anti-counterfeiting measures in the GCC countries, the workshop was attended by officials from the enforcement agencies of the GCC countries and others, and experience and efforts to combat counterfeit products in each country were shared.
During the panel discussion, the JPO presented its cross-ministerial cooperation and public-private partnership on anti-counterfeiting measures and discussed the necessity and possible form of cross-border cross-ministerial cooperation as the future of anti-counterfeiting measures.
The JPO will continue to work on international anti-counterfeiting measures!
We will share with you the key to success for obtaining a design right in Japan!
In recent years, the number of applications for design registration filed by foreign users has been increasing. In response to this, the JPO published “Your Key to Success: for Obtaining a Design Right in Japan,” a guidebook which introduces the features of Japanese design system and points to consider when filing a design application in Japan, as well as recent amendments to laws and examination guidelines, in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. “Your Key to Success: for Obtaining a Design Right in Japan” was published in January 2024.
The guidebook focuses on points that are often mistaken by overseas users, such as eligible subject for protection, clarity of design, priority claim under the Paris Convention and exceptions to lack of novelty of design. It provides explanations with a variety of actual examples of registered designs.
By all means, please refer to this guidebook when you apply for design registration in Japan!
The G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation was held in the Metaverse!
On December 15, 2023, JPO hosted the G7 Heads of IP Office Conversation within the Metaverse space. In addition to the G7 Heads of IP Offices, WIPO Director General Mr. Daren Tang also participated in the Conversation as an observer. Participants discussed the topics including awareness-raising initiatives to promote Diversity and Inclusion in the IP ecosystem as well as IP-related issues within digital contexts.
At the end of the Conversation, they were invited to the metaverse space reproducing Itsukushima Shrine, which is one of the sites of this year’s G7 Summit in Hiroshima, to take group photos and to have some more dialogues among them.
Please take a look at the pictures of the meeting!
This time, we provided training programs to Thailand and Viet Nam!
In November 2023, the JPO provided a patent examination training course covering the field of water treatment to patent examiners of the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) Thailand, and another course covering the field of biotechnology to patent examiners of the Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam (IP Viet Nam), both in in-person style.
From the JPO, three and one International Training Instructors of the Global Patent Academy (GPA) served as lecturers in the respective courses, while 35 and 12 patent examiners from the DIP and IP Viet Nam respectively participated as trainees.
Participants gave the following feedback.
We will continue to provide cooperation to emerging countries, including follow-up courses to our past training programs in patent examination practice!
Have you ever used the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)?
The Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) have agreed to extend the PPH pilot program for another 5 years from 1 November 2023.
This pilot program has been used by many users. Especially in recent years, the largest number of PPH requests with the JPO as the Office of Earlier Examination are filed to the CNIPA as the Office of Later Examination. You can continue to obtain patent rights in China faster by using the JPO–CNIPA PPH pilot program.
The JPO is currently implementing the PPH programs with 44 IP Offices in the world including the CNIPA. We hope you will take advantage of the PPH with the JPO as your "hub patent office"!
This time, we provided a training program to Indonesia!
In November 2023, the JPO provided a face-to-face Examination Practice Training Program to patent examiners of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) in Indonesia, covering three technical fields of mechatronics, chemistry and IoT.
In this program, three JPO International Training Instructors of the Global Patent Academy (GPA) served as instructors, and eight DGIP examiners participated as trainees.
Some trainees said, "We were able to deepen our technical understanding as the explanations were given using an actual motor."
The JPO will continue to provide cooperation in patent examination practices responding to the requests from emerging countries!
Examiners of the KIPO visited Japan for a JPO-KIPO Examiner Exchange Program!
The JPO and the KIPO have had ongoing Examiner Exchange Programs for many years. This year, the JPO invited KIPO examiners for an in-person program.
In the program, three patent examiners from the JPO and two from the KIPO participated. Discussing cross-filed patent applications in the field of applied optics and electronic components which involve semiconductor technology, they deepened understanding of each Office’s examination practices by exchanging information on prior art search methods and systems and operation of examination standards.
In addition to the case studies, the information on each Office’s quality management on patent examination was exchanged.
The JPO will continue to cooperate on patent examination with the IP Offices of other countries!
The JPO co-hosted the Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property (JSIP) in collaboration with Supreme Court, IP High Court, Ministry of Justice, Japan Federation Bar Association, and IPL net Japan!
This year's theme of the symposium was "IP Dispute Resolution in Asia".
In the "JPO Part" on the third day, after opening remarks by Commissioner HAMANO and a lecture by YASUDA Futoshi, Director-General of the Trial and Appeal Department, experts from six countries, including TAMURA Kiyoko, Executive Chief Administrative Judge of the JPO, conducted two panel discussions on "Trial and Appeal practice in general in each country" and "Trial and Appeal practice in the field of advanced technology in each country".The Trial and Appeal Department of the JPO will continue to actively promote exchanges with other countries in order to improve the transparency of international dispute resolution systems!
The Trilateral Heads of Office Meeting was held again this year!
Last month, the Trilateral Offices – the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and the European Patent Office (EPO) – met in Munich, Germany, for their 41st annual Trilateral Conference and a meeting with Trilateral Industry. In these meetings, discussions were held on the topics of technology transfer and youth-oriented initiatives under the theme of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 "High Quality Education". The JPO shared its initiatives including the Project for Dispatching IP Strategy Designers to Universities and Junior Innovation Fest as relevant to these topics, and explored how the Trilateral Offices can work together in achieving SDG 4.
The JPO will continue its efforts to achieve the SDGs!
We have enhanced support for the AI Examination Team to secure efficient and high-quality examinations of AI-related inventions!
In January 2021, the JPO launched a team supporting AI examinations, an internal body which consists of experts on AI examination and management officials. The team has been providing consultation services to examiners upon request and supporting them in achieving efficient and high-quality examinations.
Last month, the JPO increased the number of experts on AI examination for three times, from 13 to 38. By assigning one expert to every examination division, the team will be able to provide more appropriate support for the examination of AI-related inventions even in the fields where AI technology has not been utilized to date.
The JPO continues to strive to facilitate the efficiency and high-quality examinations!
The JPO provided a training program to Viet Nam!
In September 2023, the JPO provided examiners of Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam (IP Viet Nam) with a face-to-face training on patent examination practices as a follow-up to the training program for new patent examiners conducted in 2022. It was the first time in four years that we dispatched International Training Instructors of the Global Patent Academy (GPA) of the JPO to Viet Nam.
From the JPO, two International Training Instructors of the GPA served as lecturers and nine patent examiners from IP Viet Nam participated as trainees.
“The instructors taught us in a dedicated and friendly manner. This program is definitely beneficial to our examination practices”, said one of the participants.
The JPO will continue to respond to requests from emerging countries and cooperate with them in patent examination practices!
We have resumed our face-to-face examiner exchange program with the EPO!
As reported here previously (on 13 September 2022) the JPO has been conducting examiner exchange programs with overseas IP Offices for many years. Last month, we conducted an in-person Examiner Exchange Program with the EPO for the first time in four years at the EPO’s office in The Hague.
This time, four examiners from the JPO and seven from the EPO participated in the program. By exchanging information on prior art search methods and systems, and operation of patent examination standards in the two technical areas of measurement and organic chemistry, they deepened understanding of each Office’s examination practices.
The JPO will continue to promote mutual understanding of patent examination practices with IP Offices of other countries!
Let me introduce JPO’s international initiatives in the field of trademarks!
Last month, the 12th Annual Meeting of the Five Trademark Offices (TM5), which include Japan, the United States, Europe, China and Korea, was held in Incheon, Korea. At the meeting, officials of the five IP offices held lively discussions on fifteen cooperative projects, which include the “Bad Faith Trademark Project”, “IT support for Trademark Examination Project” and “User Involvement Project” led by the JPO, as well as two newly-proposed projects.
The JPO will host the next annual meeting of the TM5 in 2024!
The five IP offices (IP5) released a comparative table of examination practices of respective offices on AI- related inventions!
As previously posted here (on 28 June 2022), launch of the JPO-proposed project “Collection of existing materials on the examination practices of the IP5 Offices on AI-related inventions” was agreed at the IP5 Heads of Office Meeting held in June 2022 by the IP5, which consists of the Patent Offices in Japan, Europe, Korea, China and the U.S.
And finally, at the IP5 Heads of Office meeting in June 2023, a comparative table compiling relevant legal texts, examination guidelines, examination case studies regarding AI-related inventions of the five IP offices was endorsed and published on the IP5 website.
Each material in the table is listed in the form of a hyperlink to a webpage so that users can access the most up-to-date information by clicking the links.
You can find the comparative table at the first and second links below!
Let us introduce one of the JPO’s efforts in patent examination!
On 1 April 2023, the JPO started to suspend the examinations of divisional applications upon the applicants’ requests while the original applications were pending in the appeal against the examiner’s decision of refusal.
This will enable the applicant to consider how to proceed with the divisional application according to the outcome of the appeal of the original application.
For details on eligible applications and necessary procedures, please refer to the information on our website via the link below.
We hope this operation will lead to more efficient and effective filing strategies for applicants!
Case examples of registered designs are now available!
On 1 April 2020, designs for graphic image, building and interior were newly covered as subject for protection under the Japan’s Design Act.
Following this change, we collected examples of registered designs in these newly added areas and published them on the JPO website. As for the designs including graphic images, examples of principal / related designs helpful to understand the similarity of usage and function were also released.
Furthermore, for your reference, we have listed case examples of principal / related designs, where similarity was found between designs for an entire article and a design for a part of it.
Hope this information will help you when filing a design application in Japan and deepen your understanding of Japanese design system and its examination guidelines!
We have resumed our face-to-face examiner exchange program!
As previously posted here (on 13 September 2022), the JPO has been implementing international Examiner Exchange Programs in collaboration with overseas IP Offices.
In July this year, the JPO and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) held an in-person Examiner Exchange Program for the first time in four years in China.
On this occasion, five patent examiners from the JPO and six from the CNIPA took part in the program. They deepened their understanding of each Office’s examination practices by exchanging information on prior art search methods, search systems and how to implement examination standards in four technical fields of material analysis and medical diagnosis, motive machinery, polymer, and data processing.
The JPO will continue to cooperate on patent examination with the IP Offices of other countries!
The JPO provides patent examiner trainings even in specific technical fields to overseas IP offices!
In July this year, the JPO provided examiners of the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) with a face-to-face training program on patent examination practices in the field of biotechnology.
Two International Training Instructors of the Global Patent Academy (GPA) from the JPO served as instructors, and 33 patent examiners from MyIPO participated in the program.
The participants commented as follows.
The JPO will continue to provide cooperation in patent examination practices to examiners in emerging countries!
The JPO is providing specialist trainings to overseas IP offices!
In May this year, the JPO provided an online training on the patent opposition system for the patent examiners of the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).
A JPO administrative judge with wide experience in the patent opposition served as a lecturer, and twenty-seven MyIPO patent examiners participated as trainees in the training course.
The participants commented as follows.
We will continue offering our cooperation to patent examiners in emerging countries according to the needs of each country!
Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of the JPO attended the WIPO Assemblies of the Member States!
A delegation from Japan including Mr. HAMANO Koichi, Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office (JPO), and Mr. KATSURA Masanori, Deputy Commissioner of the JPO attended the 64th Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO held in Geneva, Switzerland last month.
At the opening session, JPO Commissioner Hamano delivered a General Statement on behalf of Japan encouraging WIPO and Member States to make use of the Green Transformation Technologies Inventory (GXTI), and stating that Japan plans to highlight the importance of IP, along with ideas for further promoting its utilization toward achieving the SDGs at the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.
In addition, the JPO held bilateral meetings with more than twenty national and regional IP offices on this occasion.
In his speech, the Commissioner expressed his continued cooperation with WIPO and his expectations in the development of the Global IP Ecosystem!
The JPO has released the Annual Report 2023!
The JPO published the Annual Report 2023 in July this year. The key contents are as follows.
The annual report is published only in Japanese, but JPO Status Report is available in both Japanese and English for your reference!
Japan Patent Office Annual Report 2023
Figure1 The number of patent applications from abroad
We are pleased to introduce a new PPH initiative!
As previously reported on this page, the PPH offers many advantages.
In order to optimally quantify the benefits derived from the PPH and to visualize the transparency and reliability of the PPH procedures in each country, the IP5 PPH metrics has been published recently, summarizing the PPH statistics provided by IP5 Offices. The JPO, as one of the lead Offices, has contributed to the formulation of evaluation metrics.
The IP5 PPH metrics will enable the users to better understand how things really stand in the PPH in each Office.
This metrics shows that not only the Pendency to First Office Action but also the Pendency to Final Office Action is shorter in JPO’s patent examination. By using PPH, you can obtain patent rights faster in Japan.
Please refer to PPH Portal for details!
It was Honolulu where the first IP5 Heads of Office Meeting was held in 2007!
In June this year, the 16th IP5 Heads of Office Meeting was held in Honolulu.
At this meeting, the IP5 discussed the role of IP in addressing climate change, and how IP5 Offices cooperate in this area. Discussions were also held on topics including the JPO-led project of collecting existing materials on examination practices of the IP5 Offices for AI-related inventions.
Furthermore, the Offices agreed upon a new IP5 vision for sustainable futures.
IP5 Heads of Office also had a meeting with IP5 Industry on the day before the meeting in order to exchange views on strengthening the cooperation between IP5 offices and IP5 Industry!
Let us provide information on our function as a competent Authority under the PCT system.
The JPO currently serves as a competent ISA and IPEA for more than 10 states including the ASEAN members, allowing applicants who file PCT international applications with their national IP offices or the International Bureau of WIPO to choose the JPO as ISA/IPEA.
As regards the charge for service, please refer to our latest schedule of PCT fees.
We will continue to support the global business activities of PCT users through our role as a competent ISA/IPEA!
Adherence to the revised regulation on multi-multi claims became more conventional after one year of operation.
It has been slightly over a year since our new rule on multi-multi claims came into force in April last year (posted on 15 March 2022). As to the updated information on the state of compliance, the proportion of applications with any multi-multi claims at the date of filing remains at low levels of around 3%, thanks to our users’ understanding and cooperation.
When you file an application to the JPO with a claim of priority under the Paris Convention or when you transfer a PCT application into the national phase in Japan, it is likely that multi-multi type claims may be left unchanged. In such cases, it is advisable to make a voluntary amendment of claims, for example, by the time you submit a request for examination. By doing so, you will avoid the possibility of receiving a notice of reasons for refusal in non-compliance with the relevant requirement.
Just follow the link hereunder for more information!
The JPO exchanged a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) with the Department of Patents and Trademarks of Bangladesh (DPDT) in the presence of both Prime Ministers (PMs)!
This past April, our PM Kishida had a summit meeting in Tokyo with PM Hasina of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, seizing on milestone 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.
On the same day, as part of efforts to enhance bilateral economic ties, JPO Commissioner Hamano and Secretary Sultana, Ministry of Industries of Bangladesh exchanged an MOC in the field of intellectual property.
The JPO and the DPDT confirmed their commitments to mutual cooperation in the following dimensions.
-to promote comprehension on the Intellectual Property Right (IPR) systems and the practices of the Offices;
-to improve IPR systems in a bid to further the development of industry and innovation; and
-to enhance interaction between the Offices and IPR users.
Down below is a scene from the MOC exchange ceremony. Two PMs are clapping to congratulate right in front of the national flags!
The JPO released the results of a first extensive survey utilizing the Green Transformation Technologies Inventory (GXTI)!
Following the interim report on green technologies using GXTI, which was picked up here previously (on 13 March 2023), the JPO made public its final version late last month.
The final report presents the findings of compiled patent information analysis based on GXTI, with a focus on patent filing trends and top applicants over the last decade with regard to about fifty different categories as defined in the Inventory.
For an overview, please visit the web page via the immediate hyperlink below. You can jump to the summary report from the second hyperlink!
Here is a third round of report on our colleague’s activities abroad. This week, a patent professional, who has returned to the JPO after completing a two-year term in Viet Nam, talks about his mission.
Let me tell you what I have accomplished in Viet Nam!
Industrial development and marketability in Viet Nam is resulting in a rapid increase in the number of domestic and overseas patent applications, along with increasing needs for intellectual property protections in the country. I was therefore dispatched as a JICA expert through the JICA Technical Cooperation Projects framework to the Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam, wherein I provided support to improve the practical examination skills of patent examiners.
During my stay, I focused on assisting the revision process of the Examination Guidelines for patents in order to respond to applications related to emerging technologies. In addition, I provided support for drafting quality management documents to increase the reliability of patent examinations. Furthermore, I conducted trainings to improve competence and skills among examiners.
I hope that these efforts will promote the granting of rights through transparent and swift examinations, and I would be delighted if my activities helped to develop intellectual property protections in Viet Nam while also deepening the relationship between our two countries.
Following the immediately preceding posting, here is a second round of on-site report by our colleague abroad. This week, our IP expert residing in Jakarta, Indonesia tells a story.
Today I would like to share with you my mission in Indonesia!
Under the framework of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Technical Cooperation, JPO staff are sent to the Director General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) to support in the development of Indonesia’s intellectual property system, to cooperate in human resource education, and conduct public awareness activities.
The DGIP and JPO have been developing a deeply cooperative relationship for nearly 30 years since JPO staff were first sent to DGIP as JICA experts in 1994. In April 2023, I became the 12th member of staff to be dispatched to Indonesia and I am now engaged in cooperative activities to expedite higher quality patent grants in the country. Through conducting my duty to better the IP system and its operation I would like to promote the development and improvement of the business and investment environment in Indonesia.
Both Indonesia and Japan, DGIP and JPO, have built a good relationship over the years. As a JICA expert dispatched to Indonesia, I would like to continue deepening our relationship of trust by gathering in-depth information that will enable me to provide needs-based support and conduct cooperative activities which will bring advantages for both countries.
From now on, this page will occasionally highlight recent activities of JPO’s experts residing abroad, letting them talk with their own words about the missions or experiences in their countries/regions. Our colleague based in Silicon Valley, USA acts as a lead-off reporter.
Hi from NEDO Representative Office in Silicon Valley (NEDO Silicon Valley)!
NEDO Silicon Valley is one of the six oversea representative offices of New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) which is a government-related research and development agency in Japan. NEDO Silicon Valley serves as the “Tech-Hub” in Silicon Valley, promoting collaboration among stakeholders in the US and Japan.
One of our roles here is to foster mutual understandings and deepen relationship among IP professionals in the US and Japan. As businesses expand, IP protection and utilization must be considered on a worldwide basis. IP experts from the JPO have been dispatched to NEDO Silicon Valley since 2016. We have hosted more than 45 CHIZAI (IP) seminars throughout the years to offer opportunities to learn about and share information on IP-related topics in the US and Japan. We believe it is an important mission for us to provide opportunities for discussions on how IP can protect emerging technologies and promote innovation.
If you are interested in IP seminars, the Japanese IP system, or collaboration with NEDO Silicon Valley, please contact us!
We are sustaining our efforts to bring MFR closer to overseas stakeholders.
As previously posted here (on 22 March 2022), we refer to our approach to determining inventive step of a claimed invention as “Multi-Factor Reasoning (MFR).” The JPO is working to get our method across to as many interested people overseas as possible. In this context, our International Training Instructors expounded on MFR in the patent examination training programs for emerging countries last fiscal year.
Here are some positive or encouraging responses to the participant questionnaire:
We will further our endeavors to make our practice more accessible to concerned interests overseas!
If you are not so familiar with practical use of the OPD service, you might want to open a quick guide on our website!
As previously posted here (on 30 March 2021), the JPO provides public access to the OPD database through Japan Platform for Patent Information (J-PlatPat) website.
Aside from the dossier information, among others, prosecution histories of entire family applications filed with IP5 and other WIPO CASE participating offices, this one stop service shows relevant data sets like allotted classification symbol(s) and list of cited documents at respective offices in a user-friendly manner.
We hope the tutorial page will assist you with OPD retrieval on our platform!
We have released a videotaped interview with Marina Fujiwara targeted for youths around the globe!
Marina Fujiwara is a notable Japanese creator whose main activity is to make up unnecessary things that come to her mind. She describes her work as “Muda-Zukuri” (Wasted Creation) and publishes her works on YouTube and other social media platforms in an energetic manner.
Contests where Ms. Fujiwara was placed on honorees list include “YouTube NextUp Tokyo 2016” sponsored by Google Inc, and Forbes JAPAN’s “30 UNDER 30 JAPAN 2020,” highlighting influencers below the age of 30 changing the world. Her first solo exhibition abroad in 2018 achieved a great success, attracting over 25,000 visitors.
The JPO produced this video with English subtitles to present her unique inspiration and creativity to people overseas. We wish this content will help disseminate the fun and potential of creating things and also the infinite possibilities for invention to young people across borders.
Please watch the video footage and listen to what Fujiwara-san has to say, including the message, “Wasted Creation delivers value for the future!”
Poster design for this year’s Invention Day is conceived from Aesopica!
As introduced here previously (on 20 April 2021), April 18 is declared as Invention Day in Japan.
In a bid to make our message even more familiar to people overseas, we created a new poster for this year inspired by “The Tortoise and the Hare” from Aesop’s Fables. While the Tortoise walks hard and wins the race at last in the original fable, the Tortoise in our story works hard on R&D and enjoys a victory over the Hare with the invention.
On this occasion, we hope more people will take some time to think about an important role that industrial property right system plays for innovation and creativity!
Director General Tang of WIPO visited Japan for the first time since taking office!
This past February, Director General Tang from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) had a meeting in Tokyo with Minister Nishimura of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). He also met with JPO Commissioner Hamano.
Taking this opportunity, the JPO introduced its initiatives to utilize emerging technologies like AI for examination and its efforts to promote the use of Green Transformation Technologies Inventory (GXTI). The both sides also exchanged views on their collaboration at the EXPO 2025 OSAKA, KANSAI, JAPAN and international cooperation activities funded by our contribution to WIPO (Funds-in-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global).
With high-level talks like this as the driving force, we will further its collaborative relationship with WIPO!
The JPO Status Report 2023 has been released!
As introduced here previously (12 April 2022 and 13 April 2021), we publish our Status Report every March, incorporating latest IP-related information surrounding the JPO. The edition for 2023 was uploaded on our website late last month.
This year’s highlights of our efforts include:
Please take a look at the Report via the immediate hyperlink hereunder!
Latest English-language summary of the Trial and Appeal Practitioner Study Group Report is available!
Trial and Appeal Department (TAD) of the JPO convenes the "Trial and Appeal Practitioner Study Group" every year to conduct case studies on trial and appeal decisions and related adjudications. The group is comprised of a broad range of professionals including corporate IP experts, patent attorneys, lawyers, court judges (participating as observers) and administrative judges.
This fiscal year 2022, the members discussed such issues as support requirement for inventions with numerical limitations, and then studied relevant court precedents which would make a high impact on trial and appeal practices, in conjunction with the trial/appeal decisions concerned.
If you are interested in trial and appeal practice in Japan, please have a look at the summary for 2022 from the hyperlink hereunder!
You can submit prescribed documents like the description and claims in the original language when applying for a patent!
In Japan, an applicant may file a patent application with attached documents such as the description, claims, drawings and abstract in a foreign language in lieu of those in Japanese, securing the date of filing. Any language is acceptable in this regard. In order to proceed with a prosecution, Japanese translations of the foreign language documents should be submitted within 16 months from the filing date (or earliest priority date) .
It might be the case that the Japanese documents contain errors in translation. Even in such cases, the applicant can correct mistranslations based on what is stated in the original language.
This scheme allows overseas applicants to give ample time to prepare Japanese translations and also to address the issue of misinterpretation!
More JPO’s International Training Instructors visited partner IP offices overseas lately!
As previously reported (on 13 December 2022), the JPO resumed on-site practical trainings overseas last year. Since the beginning of this year, Patent Examination Training Programs were provided by our Global Patent Academy (GPA) Instructors in Indonesia in February, followed by those in the Philippines in March.
Here are some encouraging comments from the participants:
“The training was definitely useful for real examinations in the future,”
“In person, it was easier to ask about points I did not understand.”
We will continue to pursue effective training opportunities for examiners of respective partner offices!
The JPO is studying global trends in GX technologies!
As reported here previously (on 5 July 2022), GXTI (Green Transformation Technologies Inventory) is a technologies inventory which gives users a bird’s eye view of GX-related technologies. This inventory developed by the JPO was released last June on its website. Its subcategories are presented along with relevant search formulae based on International Patent Classification (IPC) to allow for patent documents retrieval pertaining to a GX subject of interest.
A survey using GXTI is underway by the JPO, and its interim report was issued at the end of past January. The report is scheduled to be finalized this coming May.
For more information regarding the interim report, please visit the web page from the immediate hyperlink below!
The JPO receives advice from external experts for the improvement of the examination quality management!
As briefly introduced here previously (posted on 6 October 2020), the JPO refers the evaluation on the implementation system and its status regarding the quality management of our examination to a deliberative body composed of external experts, called the Subcommittee on Examination Quality Management. The English translation of the latest report was uploaded on our website last month.
According to the report, our efforts received a favorable review as in the previous edition, inter alia, in terms of clarity of procedures and publicity of the key principles.
It would also deserve mention that the developments in the proportion of satisfactory response to our User Satisfaction Surveys over the past seven to ten years in relation to various quality-concerned measures were presented to the subcommittee. The body expressed its expectation that further analysis in this regard will lead to our future endeavors to provide quality service to users.
We will work to better serve our users, reflecting the evaluations/recommendations by external advisors!
A new communication channel with the JPO created!
This January, the JPO started posting on its official LinkedIn account besides on Twitter.
With the use of LinkedIn, which is one of the most frequently used platforms for business communication, we will reinforce our efforts to offer information on JPO’s policies and initiatives to our stakeholders worldwide.
Just follow us on your familiar platform! Updates on this page will also be posted there.
The updated “JPO Key Features" has been posted on our website with elevated viewability!
As posted here twice until now (in February 2022 and June 2021), this digital resource is a concise guide with graphic illustrations to various benefits, measures and policies available at the JPO. The current version with improved visibility has incorporated four new contents, including “GXTI (Green Transformation Technologies Inventory)” and “Opinion Exchange Meeting” with our users.
To find more about respective featured items, please visit the updated web page and click on the hyperlinks!
Figure 1: GXTI (Green Transformation Technologies Inventory)
Figure 2: Opinion Exchange Meeting
The JPO has surveyed successful cases of business deployment by foreign companies with the aid of patents.
A team of JPO patent examiners wishing to deliver the attractiveness of the Japanese market set up “INVEST JAPAN Working Group (WG)”. They had interviews with overseas enterprises about their businesses in Japan, including their strategic utilization of IPs.
Last month, a dedicated page was created on our website to showcase good practices. We hope it helps your business development in our country and your collaboration with Japanese firms.
Just visit the page via the link hereunder and check the fruit of the WG’s efforts!
The JPO works to make its capacity building aid more accessible for learners in developing countries!
As reported here previously (on 24 May 2022), the JPO has proactively been engaged in human capacity building in the field of industrial property.
A series of e-learning materials have been created as part of this activity and are available on our website. Last year, the latest video content, “Eligibility for Patent and Industrial Applicability” was added to the library.
You can study for yourself by those materials, but if you wish to enrich your understanding after completing some of the online contents, we recommend you taking JPO/IPR training courses. The JPO provides learning programs in close liaison with respective national IP Offices.
If you are interested, why not contact the IP Office in your country for details!
Various business tables with our stakeholders embrace a dialogue with an international association of patent attorneys!
The JPO conducts regular exchange of views with the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI) and its latest round took place online last month. Agenda items covered this time included filing statistics for AI-related inventions and the status of applications for designs after the expansion of the scope of protection.
Listening to the requests and opinions of intellectual property attorneys practicing across borders, the JPO works to enhance its services from a global viewpoint.
We value feedbacks from a wide range of stakeholders!
The JPO also participates in joint efforts among the Group of Seven (G7).
Last December, heads of IP Offices in the G7 member states held a second round of conversation via video conference under the auspices of the German authorities concerned, inviting the Director General of WIPO as an observer.
Two main subjects of the discussion were “Establishing a positive culture of IP” and “Fighting counterfeiting and piracy.” The G7 IP Offices adopted a joint statement, reaffirming the needs of international cooperation regarding intellectual property. For details of the statement, please follow the link hereunder.
As this year’s host office, the JPO will join forces and work together with the other G7 counterparts to advocate global collaboration in IP field!
JPO has released the newest version of the report on recent trends in AI-related inventions!
As previously introduced here (posted on 24 November 2020), the JPO has been publicizing a report concerning AI-related patent applications. It has been updated on a yearly basis and its latest version, which is based on statistics up until the year 2020, is now available on our website.
The number of patent filings in Japan for AI-related inventions has demonstrated an upward trend since 2014 in the wake of the third AI boom. In 2020, it went up by around 14% from the previous year. Likewise, another set of survey result obtained by using WIPO PATENTSCOPE elucidates that patent applications associated with AI technologies are on the increase in major economies, although the profiles are not altogether identical.
For more information, just take a look at the report itself via the link on the dedicated web page!
JPO’s “Examination Guidelines in Manga: AI/IoT Edition” is now available in a couple of Asian languages!
As reported here previously (on 30 November 2021), English version of Manga explaining our AI/IoT examination guidelines has been available on our website since October last year. We have recently released two more different translations in collaboration with our partner organizations for international cooperation.
In more concrete terms, Vietnamese and Thai were added to the list of languages available; the former was prepared in liaison with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the latter with Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).
We wish to invite overseas users, especially those in ASEAN region, to try reading the cartoon in a more familiar language than English.
We remain committed to working to bring our practices including examination guidelines closer to foreign stakeholders!
JPO’s on-site training for patent examiners in emerging countries resumed!
As previously indicated in these columns (posted on 6 September 2022), early last month, our Global Patent Academy (GPA) provided a patent examination training course in a physical format for the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) of Thailand.
It was the first overseas on-site training opportunity since the outbreak of COVID-19. Four International Training Instructors of the GPA were invited as lecturers, communicating interactively with DIP patent examiners.
We will pursue an effective approach to practical training for emerging economies, depending on the needs of respective offices!
Petition filing for the US-JP Collaborative Search Pilot Program has been simplified!
Running third phase of the US-JP Collaborative Search Pilot Program (CSP), which was scheduled to expire at the end of October this year, has been extended for another two years. The avenue continues to be available for applicants who cross-file patent applications in both jurisdictions, providing examination results in an expeditious and concurrent manner.
Remarkable improvement in this context is that the offices concerned (the USPTO and the JPO) agreed to introduce a single petition form for the Pilot. Now applicants wishing to take advantage of the benefits of this CSP can get on track by simply submitting a single form to either of the two offices.
If you desire to expedite prosecution in Japan and the US, just consider using this Program!
The heads of Patent Trilateral met together offline for their annual meeting!
Early this month, the Trilateral Offices -(the JPO, the EPO and the USPTO)- held their 40th Conference hosted by the USPTO. At the meeting, which took place in a physical format for the first time in three years, the heads addressed topics of mutual interest, with an emphasis on the aspect of SMEs and IP ecosystem.
We are committed to pursuing our endeavors towards a sustainable IP system, reflecting on four decades of cooperation!
The JPO has been a proactive collaborator in the Industrial Design 5 Forum (ID5)!
Late last month, the eighth Annual Meeting by the IP offices of Industrial Design 5 (ID5) was held in a hybrid format hosted by the EUIPO. At the conference, twelve cooperation projects were discussed, including three JPO-(co-)led items, namely, “Study on the Admissibility of Internet Information as Legitimate Disclosure for Novelty Examinations”, “ID5 Statistics” and “ID5 Recommended Design Practices.” In addition, four new projects were approved, including “Indication for Registered Designs” co-led by the JPO and USPTO.
We are committed to pursuing the endeavors in this in close collaboration with other ID5 members! Just click the link below to find out more.
The JPO has been proactively involved in multilateral cooperation among the five largest trademark offices (TM5)!
Late last month, the five trademark offices (TM5) met in a hybrid format for their Annual Meeting 2022 hosted by the EUIPO, marking the tenth anniversary of the establishment of its framework. Looking back on a decade of cooperation, the Partners engaged in a lively discussion regarding the progress of ongoing 16 projects and future work. Those cooperative projects include “User Involvement” , “Bad Faith Trademark” and ” IT Support for Trademark Examination” all of which the JPO serves as (co)leading office.
We are committed to vigorously participating in international initiatives for enhanced trademark services collaborating with TM5 members and other partner offices!
The JPO is right on track to achieve the target of timely trademark examinations!
In 2019, the JPO set a target of reducing the first action (FA) pendency and the total pendency to 6.5 months and 8 months respectively in light of recent rising trademark applications followed by growing queue for examinations. The mark is to be reached by the end of the current fiscal year (FY 2022), thereby securing timeliness of trademark examinations.
Last fiscal year, the foregoing two index values on average were 8.0 months and 9.6 months respectively. Speedier examinations thus far have been achieved through combined measures, including “fast track examination,” available for any applications which designate goods or services listed in the prescribed tables.
We will do the utmost to ensure the goal is accomplished on time!
Figure: FA Pendency and Total Pendency for Trademark Examinations
Let us provide a fine example of technology exchange between industry and academia utilizing the patent registered on the WIPO GREEN database!
A group of students from Toyo University, proactively promoting UN SDGs through various projects, successfully developed a sustainable, environmentally friendly hand serum using local specialty products. Rough skin worries caused by frequent hand-washing or use of disinfectants stimulated the team members to conceive the innovative idea.
Shiseido, which joined WIPO GREEN in 2020 as the first partner in the cosmetics business, licensed their "low-energy manufacturing emulsifier technology" to assist the group to manufacture the premium hand cream.
It is part of Shiseido's endeavor to contribute to global environmental initiatives, working together with domestic universities through licensing their green technologies listed on the said database.
For different examples of activities of Japanese WIPO GREEN partners, please visit our dedicated site via the link hereunder!
The JPO has maintained the year-ago users’ rating for its overall patent examination quality, with over 95% of respondents describing its output as ‘Neutral’ or better.
As already mentioned in these columns (posted on 14 October 2020) , the JPO has asked its users at home and abroad to answer a satisfaction survey on patent examination quality annually. According to the latest report, more than 95% of survey takers rated the overall quality as either of the top three categories (‘Satisfied’, ‘Somewhat satisfied’, and ‘Neutral’) as has shown in the past. On the other hand, the trend in the proportion of positive responses (top two categories) suggests room for improvement. We will continue efforts to better serve our stakeholders worldwide in terms of quality with appropriate priorities, inter alia, enhancing uniform examination of applications among examiners.
For more information on current-year survey, please check the separate web page via the following link!
Figure: Satisfaction level with overall quality of patent examination on national applications (overall satisfaction level)
The JPO has sent patent examiners as long-term experts to IP offices in ASEAN.
In coordination with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which is an incorporated administrative agency in charge of administering Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA), the JPO has stationed its patent examiners in Indonesia and Vietnam on a long-term basis to aid the development of IP systems in respective counties.
The expatriates work to support capacity-building program for patent examiners and assist the consolidation of patent examination practices, including the revision of examination guidelines. Their activities contribute to the development of the local businesses and the improvement in the investment environment.
We work together with our partners in developing economies for establishing the enhanced IP infrastructure!
Let us illustrate Japanese creations which lead to innovations through examples!
What comes to your mind when you think of recent Japanese inventions that have expanded globally? We are showcasing four such examples on our webpage, starting with quick response (QR) code. Find out how creative ideas conceived by Japanese engineers developed into innovations.
Hope you are inspired by those stories, including untold ones behind. The exact QR code for the dedicated site is hereunder!
Our online oral proceedings in Invalidation Trials are also used by overseas stakeholders!
As introduced here previously (posted on 17 August 2021), oral proceedings for trials using video-conferencing system have been operational since October 2021.
In the eleven months since launch, a total of 58 oral proceedings for patent/design/trademark trials were conducted with a web conference tool, which accounted for as high as 71 % of the overall oral proceedings. The statistics include trial cases where at least one of the parties concerned is a foreign entity. In this connection, overseas residents can also attend oral proceedings online with the proviso that they participate within the borders of Japan on a trial date.
Although you may be informed of this new practice by your representative in Japan, if you have any inquiries, just feel free to contact us.
We have modified the requirements to request Collective Examinations for IP Portfolio.
Collective Examinations for IP Portfolio Supporting Business Strategy (CEIP) is a JPO’s distinctive initiative to assist the development of our stakeholders’ business projects (posted on 9 March 2021) and some case examples thereof have been presented on our website (posted on 25 January 2022).
We have recently reviewed its operation and altered the procedures/requirements to make it more user-friendly.
Notably, the modified approach include:
We are more than happy to support your business in Japan by this scheme!
The availability of video conference interviews with examiners is growing!
As addressed here previously (posted on 2 March 2021 and 25 May 2021), interviews with examiners are an effective examination tool to facilitate communication between applicants and examiners.
Over the last two years or so, interviews by video conferences have been positively utilized, due partly to our proactive approach to better communicating with the stakeholders even under the current pandemic. As for patent applications, the number of interviews conducted online in 2021 was 1,423, representing an increase of 40% from the previous year, and accounted for 84% of the overall annual interviews.
We remain committed to pursuing use-friendly communication with applicants and their representatives, going ahead with effective interviews!
Our Examiner Exchange Programs with overseas IP offices contribute to enhancing mutual understanding and trust building!
The JPO has been implementing Examiner Exchange Programs in collaboration with IP offices abroad for more than twenty years. The Programs are basically arranged on bilateral basis, aimed at fostering trustful relationship and deepening mutual understanding between examiners working in the same technical field.
Conventionally, the participating examiners alternately visited their counterpart’s office and held case-based discussions about prior art search methods and examination practices. While the spread of COVID-19 made such face-to-face consultations difficult, we have recently resumed the Program in a different format, via video teleconferencing system.
The online contacts are designed to make the opportunities more fruitful to both parties, by dividing a single implementation period into plural segments and setting an interval of one to two weeks in between. This approach allows examiners from both sides to get well-organized and fully address any inquiries made during the preceding segment.
In 2022, we had an online exchange with the European Patent Office (EPO), the oldest partner for this initiative, from January to February, and China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) from July to August, respectively.
We will continue to collaborate with overseas partners on this endeavor, exploring the optimum approach!
Our training programs for patent examiners in emerging economies remain on track, taking advantage of online communications.
As previously introduced here a couple of times (posted on 24 August 2021 and 19 January 2021), our International Training Instructors (hereinafter, simply “Instructors”) of the Global Patent Academy (GPA) work vigorously to provide programs on examination practices for patent examiners in emerging countries.
Last year, a total of 21 Instructors offered trainings for cumulatively around 200 examiners from IP offices in ASEAN.
As for the current year, the GPA Instructors most recently engaged themselves in online training for Vietnam in July, while subsequent programs for other economies have been in preparation to be implemented by the end of the period.
With the change of a situation surrounding COVID-19, some of the programs this year will be arranged on site, instead of completely online, taking account of the requests/interests by respective partner IP offices!
Let us outline some points to remark concerning the up-to-date statistics.
Besides the “JPO Status Report” published every March in a double column format in both English and Japanese to introduce its initiatives along with the statistical information (posted here on 12 April 2022), we release “JPO Annual Report” in Japanese every July mainly for domestic stakeholders. It is compiled on a fiscal-year basis and provides, among other things, latest statistics on applications/registrations at home and abroad, and examinations and appeals/trials at the JPO. We made available to the public the most recent version (JPO Annual Report 2022) last month.
Some of the points worth noting in the updated Annual Report are:
Although the "Annual Report" itself is available only in Japanese as mentioned above, just click the link below to check the English news release summarizing the thrust.
Figure1: Changes in the number of patent applications submitted to Japan from abroad
The JPO recently updated its “Quality Manual,” one of the principal documents regarding the quality management in patent examination.
It was in 2014 when the JPO developed and released two basic communication materials underlying our quality management for patent examination, as part of our initiatives toward world’s best service in terms of speed and quality.
Those were:
Our approaches have been reviewed in light of changing examination environment and the needs of the times. In this regard, examiners can now opt to consult with experienced associates, requesting independent supplementary searches. Also, persons concerned communicate about the result of quality checks, where appropriate, via online conferencing system, with working from home more conventional.
The update of the “Quality Manual” this past July includes those developments since the previous revision.
We will continue our efforts to deliver the top quality service, mindful of the changes in circumstances surrounding us!
Patent applications with the JPO exhibit a considerable degree of adherence to the revised regulations on multi-multi claims!
It has been a quadrimester since our new rule on multi-multi claims in patent filings came into operation. The result of our internal check indicates that the proportion of applications with any multi-multi claims at the date of filing has been roughly 5% on average since April, compared to around 65% during the preceding period.
On most occasions, applicants prepare patent applications taking account of the recent rule change as seen above. With that said, in case you take note of the existence of multi-multi claim(s) after the filing, we would advise you to consider making a voluntary amendment of claims, for example, by the time you submit a request for examination. It will reduce the chance of examiner’s issuing a notice of reasons for refusal in non-compliance with the requirement on claim dependency.
For your information, we offer domestic users, including patent attorneys serving as your representatives in Japan, a support tool for detecting multi-multi type claims via our website. Please be advised that the tool operates in Japanese environment only.
Thank you for your understanding and continued assistance in this matter! Just follow the link below for more detailed explanation.
JPO Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner have attended the WIPO Assemblies in Geneva!
The 63rd Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO were held at its headquarters in Geneva from July 14th through 22nd . At the opening session, JPO Commissioner Hamano delivered a General Statement from the floor on behalf of the Government of Japan.
Seizing this opportunity, our leaders pursued a vigorous schedule and met directly with the heads/senior officials of IP authorities from over 20 nations/regions. The results achieved by those talks include the exchange of a renewed memorandum of cooperation bilaterally with some counterparts toward further partnerships.
As our Commissioner conveyed at the end of the General Statement, we will continue to cooperate with WIPO and proactively contribute to the development of the global IP ecosystem!
The JPO’s AI Action Plan also covers design and trademark spheres.
The revised Action Plan (FY2022-2026 edition) presents eight projects, half of which are directed to trademark or design examinations. In the design sphere, development phase of assistance tool for prior design search will continue utilizing similarity-based image retrieval technique.
As for trademarks, the wining models of the AI-powered search competition held by the JPO last year will be implemented into our image search system. In another project, we will explore the possibility of applying AI to the prior character trademarks search.
With the Action Plan to date evaluated positively by external experts, the JPO continues to work to enhance the quality and efficiency of examinations across the board by the aid of AI technology.
We are moving forward with our AI Action Plan in a bid to provide improved examinations for our users!
The JPO has published a new five-year “Action Plan for Utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology”!
Since the first six-year Action Plan for Utilization of AI Technology (hereinafter, “Action Plan”) was released in 2017, we have been utilizing AI technology, for example, in the fields of patent classification assignment (e.g. automated assignment for foreign patent documents) and prior art search (e.g. rearrangement of patent documents retrieved), employing an agile development approach.
We have recently renewed the Action Plan (FY2022-2026 edition), under which further proof of concept (PoC) will proceed in the above-mentioned two fields and also a different project will be launched to explore the applicability of AI for the management of patent examination (e.g. effective and efficient allotment of applications awaiting examination).
Based on the efforts over the past five years, we believe that the quality and efficiency of our examination will be enhanced by leveraging AI technology, which will contribute to greater user satisfaction with our service.
Just follow the link below to check our AI Action Plan more in detail!
The “Guide to Licensing Negotiations involving Standard Essential Patents” has been revised recently!
As introduced here previously in conjunction with the JPO-hosted SEP Symposium (posted on 10 May, 2022), the “Guide to Licensing Negotiations involving Standard Essential Patents” (hereinafter, the “Guide”) had been put on the review.
The original version of the Guide was published in June 2018, aiming to enhance transparency and predictability, facilitate negotiations between rights holders and implementers, and help prevent or swiftly resolve disputes concerning SEP licensing.
Draft revisions were compiled after updated, worldwide research study and the subsequent consideration by a group of experts in this field. Before the draft was finalized at the end of June this year, public comments had been invited from home and abroad, and valuable views were offered by key participants during the said Symposium.
Hope readers will find this Guide continuing to evolve and remaining “living,” as indicated in the introductive chapter on its nature!
The JPO has received a key partner award from the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines.
A commemorative ceremony was held in Manila early June to celebrate the 25th Silver Bright Anniversary of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL). During the event, the JPO, which has been cooperating with the IPOPHL for many years, was presented with a special award as one of the key partners in providing support to enhance the IP system in the Philippines.
The cooperation between the two Offices includes offering IP training programs for human resources development, among others, by our Global Patent Academy (GPA), and the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH), which has been fully implemented since March 2021.
It is a great honor that our steady efforts have been recognized, joining other partners in inspiring more people in the Philippines to value their IP assets!
The JPO has developed a new technologies inventory related to Green Transformation (GX) abbreviated as "GXTI (Green Transformation Technologies Inventory)"!
The GXTI, which the JPO introduced at the recent IP5 Heads Meeting (posted last week), was released late June and has been posted on our website. The inventory shows how various GX technologies can be categorized in a productive manner. Furthermore, since the table suggests patent search formulae linked to each subcategory, it facilitates searches for patent documents pertaining to different types of GX technologies.
From a business perspective, this inventory allows a corporate enterprise to demonstrate its own competitive edge, or otherwise helps to develop a business or patent strategy in the context of GX.
We hope that the GXTI will become an effective tool for multiple stakeholders to analyze or further develop green technologies!
The IP5 Offices held their 15th Heads of Office Meeting via videoconference hosted by the European Patent Office early June.
At the conference, the heads of the five IP offices exchanged their views on the role of IP aimed at addressing the SDGs. In this context, the JPO provided an introduction to the Green Transformation Technologies Inventory (GXTI), a technology category table to allow for an overview of climate control technologies, which received a positive response from other delegations.
They also agreed to launch a JPO-proposed project to collect materials on the examination practices of the IP5 Offices on AI-related inventions as the first task based on the legal aspects of the roadmap for cooperation in the field of new emerging technologies (NET) and AI.
Furthermore, they celebrated the 10th anniversary of cooperation between the IP5 Offices and IP5 Industry, reviewed the achievements over the past decade, and agreed to further reinforce cooperation between the Offices and Industry in this framework.
The JPO will continue to work with other IP5 members to promote worldwide IP initiatives.
The JPO’s English-language Twitter account has been up and running for more than eight years.
Our official Twitter account provides updates on a selection of recent news, announcements or events released on our website as well as other relevant information concerning the JPO for the sake of stakeholders abroad.
Subjects of our tweets include introduction of new procedures, invitation to public symposia, and publication of official reports, to name a few.
Our account service supports overseas users to keep abreast of the latest developments on our policies or initiatives. Just follow our Twitter account!
Design applications from overseas demonstrate an upward trend.
If you file an international design application designating Japan under the Hague System, the result of JPO’s swift and reliable examination will be stored and published on the WIPO website (International Designs Bulletin). This site serves as the official reference for multiple parties concerned, including IP offices of other designated Hague members, and your business competitors. Their reference to the database containing our work products will contribute to facilitated prosecution in other jurisdictions or prevention of infringements by third parties.
Since 2015, when Japan joined the Hague System, the number of design filings with the JPO from abroad has been on the rise, representing almost twofold growth in the past six years. So has the number of non-resident applicants.
Just try to make effective use of our design examination to assist your global business deployment!
Figure: Design applications from abroad
Let us showcase swift and quality service of our design examination.
The JPO works to provide speedy and high-quality design examination results as is the case with patent. Among our strengths here is the comprehensive database of design collection worldwide. Extensive searches over the database for prior designs help assure quality service, leading to the stability of design rights which is supported by the low invalidation rate per design registration (0.01% in 2020). Also, around 94 percent of the users responded that they were satisfied, somewhat satisfied, or neutral for our overall design examination quality (user satisfaction survey for our service in 2020).
While the JPO adopts substantive examination principle, conducting global retrieval, we also place an emphasis on maintaining swiftness. On average, the first action (FA) and total pendency in 2020 are 6.3 months and 7.1 months, respectively. In case of accelerated examination, the average FA pendency is 2.1 months.
Why do not you utilize our design examination service to support your business in Japan, protecting your innovative designs?
The JPO publishes a bulletin for participants who finished our training programs
Human resources (HRs) development is integral in the effort to operate a viable IP system for developed and developing nations alike. Also, cultivating appropriate HRs takes steady work. It is in this context that we created a decade ago a communication magazine, ”- Enishi - “ to follow up our training programs for developing countries and share relevant information with the circle of the alumni, which we refer to as “IP Friends.”
This publication features, for instance, our initiatives for HRs development and contributions from IP Friends regarding recent status of IP-related policies or measures in their respective countries. As the serial is posted on our website accessible to anyone, we hope the contents will be found beneficial beyond the alumni society.
As is explained in its inaugural issue, the magazine title “Enishi” in Japanese means the bond, connection or emotional ties between individuals triggered by a predestined encounter. We wish the circle members further deepen their connections through sustained interaction.
The JPO supports human capacity building for developing countries in the field of industrial property.
Along with the international cooperation financed by Funds-in-Trust contributions for WIPO (posted on 18 May 2021) and in-depth training courses on the practical aspects of patent examination by our International Training Instructors (posted on 19 January 2021), the JPO also works proactively to provide human capacity building in the industrial property area through programs tailored to subject- or regionally specific needs of the participants.
Those activities are intended to assist growing nations to improve IP systems, thereby facilitating their business operations and economic development. For 25 years starting from 1996, more than 7,000 individuals from public and private sectors have completed our IP training programs.
The JPO will continue to cooperate with developing economies to foster human resources in IP field, which is vital for innovation.
The JPO encourages closer relations with overseas users.
With reference to the previous communication (posted on 11 January 2022), we would like to inform that over the past six months, we held 25 business tables at the working-level with overseas stakeholders from 12 economies. In most cases, our IP attachés joined the meetings online according to their locations.
Overall feedback from the users was affirmative, among others, in terms of the appropriateness of our examination. Also, some commented that they take advantage of the speed and quality of our examination to obtain patents in other nations.
At the same time, while JPO's stringent examination received a positive assessment as a basis for stable rights, those present at some tables indicated the importance of providing reasonable examination results to the extent that predictability across different jurisdictions is secured. In this connection, we will continue our efforts to review the role of our services or make our practices more comprehensible to users abroad, for instance, by enriching relevant information on our site in English.
It was our pleasure that not a few participants considered such meetings as fruitful, learning about JPO's various user-oriented services. Our doors remain open to support your business. Again, if you are of interest, just submit the Request Form, clicking the link below.
Online conference is organized next week to introduce the latest trends of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs)!
The JPO hosts SEP Symposium with the subtitle “latest global trends and the frontier of discussion” on Thursday the 19th of May.
In June 2018, the JPO released "Guide to Licensing Negotiations Involving Standard Essential Patents," aiming to facilitate negotiations between SEPs right holders and implementers. This Guide was planned to review as appropriate responding to changing situations and is now in preparation for revision. The panel discussion of the symposium will cover the issues in SEPs licensing negotiations as they relate to the amendment, including such points as claim charts and parties to negotiation in supply chain .
The forthcoming event will bring together a broad spectrum of experts from multiple regions. SEP-related initiatives in respective regions are introduced in the opening part. The presenters overseas include a senior official from the European Commission and a former Commissioner of the USPTO.
No prior registration is required. You can join the symposium as an audience via the link below (to the dedicated web page)!
Date and Time
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Our IP attaché in Sao Paulo works to build a stronger bridge between Latin American and Caribbean states and Japan.
It was in 2016 when our first expatriate staff in southern America began its duties. Our IP attaché is based at the overseas office of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, a major economic hub of South America halfway around the globe, covering all the countries in Latin America and Caribbean Region. The representative is dedicated to, among others, IP-related supports for local businesses which recognize the advantage of higher standards of IP protection or enforcement as well as dialogues with respective governments in the region which aspire to enhanced IP environment.
Here’s a message from Sao Paulo:
We are committed to creating new businesses using IP and promoting collaboration between Japanese and local companies. If you are interested in liaising with Japanese companies or entering the Japanese market, please feel free to contact us!
Our IP attachés in Dubai functions as a bridge with the Middle East and Africa region.
We have been posting our IP attachés in the Middle East since 2016. The representative is based at the overseas office of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) in Dubai, the business center of the United Arab of Emirates. JETRO Dubai serves as the central office for the Middle East and Africa, especially its northern region. Leveraging the diversified network with local government agencies and experts, IP attachés have been proactively disseminating useful information, operating the Middle East IP Group (ME-IPG) and providing various IP consultation services. Those activities aim to assist the stakeholders in the Middle East, Africa and Japan to connect with each other for their business expansion.
Here’s a message from Dubai:
“With rapid growth expected in the post-COVID-19 era, the Middle East and Africa region is attracting a great deal of attention in Japan. If you are interested in Japan's intellectual property systems, laws & policies, or in the collaboration with Japanese companies, please feel free to contact us at any time. We are here to connect you with Japan! "
The JPO’s new Status Report has been released!
As introduced here a year ago (posted on 13 April 2021), the JPO publishes its Status Report every March. We uploaded the most recent version on our website on 30th of March this year. Except for the updated statistics, this year’s highlights of our measures or policies include:
-digitized operations or proceedings at the JPO in the with/post-COVID-19 era (e.g. “Digitalization of JPO”, page 6)
-enhanced public relations with stakeholders abroad (e.g. “Dissemination of Information on JPO’s Measures to Overseas Users”, page 128)
Just open the Report to the page of “Foreword” or “Contents”, for example, and check the latest status of your interest!
The JPO works with the USPTO to further improve the predictability of the examination timing on the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH).
The two Offices have been fully implementing the Japan-US PPH since January 4, 2008, based on the experience of one and a half years’ pilot program. With a view to making it easier for users to predict the timing of examination for the acquisition of a patent across the border, the pair has agreed to establish a target deadline for issuing office actions (OAs) for PPH applications. The foregoing target applies to subsequent as well as first OAs from the Office of later examination. The improvement has been effective as of January 1 this year.
We remain committed to leading the effort to promote the PPH as one initiator of this framework.
The JPO welcomes users’ opinions for examination quality improvement!
Have you ever wished to extend your comments on our services, inter alia, file-specific examination results before us? We value customers’ input and make available a dedicated page (“Opinion Submission Form”) on our website to meet such needs across all relevant areas (i.e., patents, designs, and trademarks).
We will look carefully at your feedbacks and take them into consideration with the aim of enhancing examination quality at the JPO thereafter. In this regard, it is advisable to specify in the Form the application number(s) concerned to allow us to correctly understand what you have to say.
Your opinions will be dealt with in a confidential manner and won’t be shared with the examiner(s) in charge without your consent.
Just use the Opinion Submission Form from the link below. Your candid feedbacks are always welcome!
The JPO adopts "Multi-Factor Reasoning", MFR for short, for deciding on inventive step in patent examinations.
In Japan, the inventive step of a claimed invention is determined by considering whether it could be reasoned that a person skilled in the art easily arrives at the claimed invention based on the prior art. The examiner attempts the reasoning by assessing comprehensively multiple factors in support of the existence or non-existence of an inventive step.
The method is called Multi-Factor Reasoning (MFR). JPO patent examiners follow this approach in order to determine inventive step objectively, mindful of the significance of providing predictable examination results. To better explain the methodology, we have created a dedicated manga content.
The cartoon work is another tour de force! The JPO will continue its efforts to familiarize our MFR approach to overseas stakeholders.
Figure: Manga Patent Examination Guidelines,“Multi-Factor Reasoning” in the Determination of Inventive Step
The JPO introduces a new rule on multiple dependent claim(s) depending on other multiple dependent claim(s) (hereinafter “multi-multi claim(s)”) effective as of the 1st of April, 2022.
With a view to encouraging international harmonization as well as reducing examination workloads and the burden of monitoring third party applications, the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Patent Act and that for the Utility Model Act were amended to regulate the use of multi-multi claims in patent and utility model registration applications respectively.
The revised Ordinances will come into operation coming month, and multi-multi claims will no longer be acceptable for patent and utility model registration filings on and after April 1, 2022.
Please be advised that if a patent application filed after the implementation of the new regulation includes multi-multi claims, for example, the applicant or its representative(s) will be notified of reasons for refusal for the violation of Article 36(6)(iv) of the Patent Act (Ministerial Ordinance Requirement on Statement of Claims).
Just follow the link below for further information. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
The JPO hosts Trilateral online Symposium entitled “Contribution of Patent System towards Carbon Neutral” next week!
The Trilateral Offices- (the JPO, the EPO and the USPTO) -will hold a joint conference on IP and carbon neutral technologies on Thursday the 17th of March.
In the upcoming event, representatives from companies in Japan, Europe and the United States will address the development and diffusion of carbon-neutral-related technologies through the strategic use of IP. Also, panelists from business enterprises, the Trilateral User Groups and the three Offices will discuss the contribution of IP with a view to achieving the target of carbon neutrality.
Through this program, you might rediscover ways to make IP a driving force towards the challenging goal.
No prior registration is required. You can join the symposium as an audience simply by clicking the Zoom invitation link below!
Date and Time
Link to the symposium (You can join the symposium from here.) |
Our IP attachés in New Delhi work for the effective IP protection in India and Southwest Asian countries.
Among the five locations of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) in India, our IP attachés have been stationed at its New Delhi office since 2013. JETRO New Delhi is engaged in activities related to IP protection in India and its neighbors, namely, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. Our representative in the capital district of India collects and delivers IP-related information and works to improve the environment surrounding IP systems in those economies, thereby assisting business activities both in Japan and the territory in charge.
Here's a message from New Delhi:
"India is a country with one of the most attractive markets, and it is also a nation where anything is a challenge. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused expatriate employees to return to their homeland, making it difficult to gather reliable information. Since we are here in New Delhi, please feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries concerning IP. We support your business both in Japan and South Asia!"
Our IP attachés in Seoul are connecting IP businesses in Japan and South Korea.
Since 1999, our IP attachés have been stationed at the Seoul Office of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) to support Japanese companies doing business there through the preparation and publication of various materials, the activities with the Korea Intellectual Property Group (IPG), and the provision of various IP consultations. IP trends in Korea are full of dynamics with frequent systemic revisions and active utilization of IT. JETRO Seoul delivers such ever-changing IP information to Japanese and Korean stakeholders.
Here’s a message from Seoul:
We are the liaison with Japan in South Korea. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any IP related questions concerning the two economies.
"Hantei" by the Trial and Appeal Department (TAD) is also available for the facilitation of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) licensing!
With the advancement of Internet of Things (IoT), it has become increasingly necessary for businesses in diverse industries to comply with information and telecommunications standards, leading to significant changes in the environment surrounding Standard Essential Patents (SEPs), among others, their licensing issues.
These days disputes occur not infrequently as to whether the patented invention subject to licensing negotiation is a SEP. By conducting essentiality check, the TAD’s advisory opinion “Hantei” would greatly contribute to facilitating the dispute resolution between the parties concerned. Here again, a patent administrative judge panel with a high level of technical expertise delivers an official opinion on the essentiality from a fair and neutral perspective in an expeditious manner.
If you are of immediate interest to this essentiality check, just contact our TAD following the link below!
Trial and Appeal Department (TAD) makes available “Hantei” for providing an advisory opinion relating to a conflict over Industrial Property Rights (IPRs)!
When a right holder of IPRs wants to know whether the products of another party fall within the scope of its own rights such as patents, the holder can request our Trial and Appeal Department (TAD) for an official opinion.
Likewise, a party other than right holders can also demand a TAD's advisory opinion when the party wishes to confirm if goods being planned to launch or in production infringe on the IPRs of others.
When a request for “Hantei” is filed, a panel of administrative judges with a high level of expertise issues a determination from a fair and neutral perspective in a swift manner (in as soon as three months).
You can utilize ”Hantei” effectively for pre-empting potential disputes over IPRs!
"The JPO Key Features" on our web page has been updated!
As posted here last June, this digital resource is a concise guide with graphic illustrations to various benefits, measures and policies available at the JPO. For overseas users, we have recently renewed the website by enriching the content. The new version incorporates an expanded Facts & Basics section containing further actionable information on designs, trademarks, and trials/appeals, not to mention patents. It also showcases our continuous initiatives on Standard Essential Patents (SEP) and AI/IoT.
Figure 1: Designs: Features and Advantages
Figure 2: SEP (Standard Essential Patents)
Just follow the link bellow and check the latest developments!
Actual cases are added to the page of the “Collective Examinations for IP Portfolio Supporting Business Strategy (CEIP)”!
The JPO offers “Collective Examinations for IP Portfolio Supporting Business Strategy (“Collective Examinations” for short),” where an examiner team conducts examination of a group of multiple applications. The prosecutions are tailored to coincide with the cross-sectional business development, which will be effectively supported by a plurality of relevant IP rights (posted on 9 March 2021).
Recently, a couple of successful cases of the Collective Examinations have been added on our website. The examples simply illustrate how users take advantage of our measures for their new business projects, acquiring a combination of IP rights concerned (patents, designs, and trademarks) in a swift and timely manner. We hope you will find such for-instances informative.
JPO is dedicated to supporting your business deployment in Japan with an inclusive IP portfolio.
The JPO has eliminated most of the signature requirements for proof of identity, maintaining a small portion to ward off severe damage caused by falsification.
Responding to the rapid development of social digitalization posed by current pandemic, and also in order to enhance our stakeholders’ convenience, the JPO has been promoting the digitization of administrative procedures in line with the government policy.
As a consequence, signature by foreign users, having being required previously, is no longer applicable before the JPO on most occasions. Meanwhile, only some procedures (e.g. change in the name(s) of applicant(s), transfer of rights) still need your signing to verify the identity. As of this year, its authenticity is to be confirmed by any of the prescribed means. Make sure to check the details following the link below.
The JPO will go ahead with digitization toward more user-friendly environment.
Changes in Procedures for Confirming Identification of Signature (Effective from January 1, 2022)
The JPO is pursuing opinion exchange with a wide range of businesses.
As part of our efforts to create a more user-friendly environment, the JPO has been holding working-level meetings with individual companies or industry groups. These business tables permit us to share any developments on IP rights system in Japan as well as JPO's various measures and policies. They also give us an opportunity to hear directly what our users have to say.
In this connection, we are now inviting firms or organizations, including overseas entities, who wish to exchange thoughts with us, for example, regarding IPR acquisition in Japan. Such a communication will bring a better understanding of our institutions and user-oriented services.
Please fill out and submit the Meeting Request Form, following the link below.
Here's a comment from a participating corporation:
We had no idea that the JPO offers such wide-ranging measures and supports. We are thinking of using the services hereafter.
The Comparative Study on Software-related Inventions made by the JPO and the EPO has been updated.
In recent years, research and development have been actively conducted especially in the fields of IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence) and 3D printing. Given that "computer-implemented inventions" (CII) are core to these technologies, it is of great interest to provide our users with a better understanding of what to expect when filing CII-related patent applications.
Reflecting such a situation, last November, the JPO and the EPO launched the latest version of the comparative study report which they jointly published in March 2019. The report aims to provide applicants and practitioners insights into the similarities and differences of approach taken in working practices at the respective offices on software-related inventions, including AI fields.
Updated contents worth noting are as follows:
The JPO will continue to align with its partner offices to enhance the predictability when applications pertinent to new emerging technologies are dealt with.
Hong Kong freshly became part of a list of the hubs for our IP attaché!
In September 2019, Hong Kong office of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) opened an IP Department, creating a newest hub on the globe with our IP attaché. Hong Kong is the gateway between China and the world economy. In the rapidly developing Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Great Bay Area, the attaché supports the promotion of win-win cooperation between Japanese and local companies by conducting research and offering information on IP and innovation trends.
Here’s a message from Hong Kong:
“We would like to build a network with those who are interested in collaborating with Japanese companies and IP professionals who can support Japanese businesses in Hong Kong and its neighboring area. Please feel free to contact us.”
Our IP attaches in Beijing have served as the focal point in China for more than two decades!
Since late 1990s, the Beijing office of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) has been functioning as a hub with our IP attaches to provide a variety of supports for Japanese companies doing businesses there, while coping with the rapidly “Changing China.” The major achievement of the JETRO Beijing activities would be highlighted by continuous and dedicated initiatives of the China Intellectual Property Group (IPG), which consists of over 250 Japanese companies marketed in China. At the same time, JETRO Beijing has been delivering IP information for Japanese and Chinese stakeholders alike, for example, government officials, IP lawyers and private enterprises. Through these efforts, JETRO Beijing has been promoting business development in both economies.
Here´s a message from Beijing:
“The prolonged COVID-19 pandemic globally hampers unrestricted business traffic, leading to affect the deep grasp on the ongoing IP development in Japan and China. For the support of users in both countries, we, JETRO Beijing, put more efforts into continuously delivering the latest and hottest IP information through networking with key persons in the government and private sector. If you have any IP related questions concern ing the two economies, please do not hesitate to contact us!”
The JPO provided an inaugural patent training program for the ASEAN IP Academy (ASEAN IPA).
Late October, the Global Patent Academy (GPA) of the JPO offered a kickoff training course online under the “Train the Trainers Program for Patent Managers and Trainers” designed by the ASEAN IPA. This IPA was launched in September as a virtual platform to provide customized IP training for the ASEAN Member States.
The kickoff program gathered 23 patent managers and trainers from the ASEAN IP Offices. The topics discussed included Operations Management, Quality Management and Human Resource Development.
Here is the opening remarks of Mr Looi Teck Kheong, Head of Competition, Consumer Protection and IPR Division (CCPID) of the ASEAN Secretariat:
"The JPO is one of our Dialogue Partners and has always been among the first to provide support for our IPR initiatives."
The JPO has released the world's first Manga explaining AI/IoT examination guidelines.
Patent examination guidelines are so technical that they are often incomprehensible to non-expert especially when applied to emerging technologies like AI/IoT. It is in this context that we wished to revise such prejudice and provide "Examination Guidelines in Manga: AI/IoT Edition," aiming at bringing our examination practice closer to the people. This Manga version is designed to facilitate everybody including non-specialist to learn the basics with interest simply by following the stories.
We hope that our guidelines will become more familiar to you. If you are interested in filing patent applications in Japan, for instance, just try reading the cartoon!
Figure: Manga Patent Examination Guidelines
The JPO co-hosted Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/TOKYO 2021 online late October with other organizations in judicial field.
The Symposium has been held annually since 2017. The theme of the three-day event this year was “IP Dispute Resolution in Asia.”
Day three, JPO part of the program, was commenced by remarks by Commissioner MORI, followed by a keynote lecture by Mr. KATSURA, Director-General of the Trial and Appeal Department (TAD). As for this part, focus was placed on the determination of inventive step on AI and IoT related inventions. Administrative judges from five Asian countries gave presentations in that connection. They also participated in a panel discussion using a hypothetical case along with a panelist from Japan.
TAD remains committed to enhancing predictability regarding IP institution and practices in the quasi-judicial field across national boundaries.
Singapore has become another regional base in ASEAN for our IP attache.
Our IP attache in Singapore started its duties at the local office of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) in 2016. Until then, the Bangkok representative had covered the entire ASEAN. Currently, our expatriate staff there is in charge of Singapore and its neighboring economy, Malaysia, plus the marine region of ASEAN, namely, the Philippines, Brunei and Indonesia. Besides ASEAN, he also takes care of Oceanian region including Australia and New Zealand. He is helping the residents or legal entities in his territory to expand their business by investing in Japan or to collaborate with Japanese companies, utilizing sophisticated IP system in Japan.
Here's a message from Singapore:
"ASEAN countries are now having unlimited emerging potential for future development and especially Singapore has become a hub for global economic activities. If you are interested to know about Japanese IP system, and you want to expand your business into Japan and then emerging ASEAN and global markets, we are willing to support you, so please let us know!"
Our IP attaches have been stationed in ASEAN for a quarter-century.
Given the strong economic ties between ASEAN and our country, we currently locate plural hubs with our representative(s) in the region: one in Bangkok, and another in Singapore. Since the Bangkok office of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) has been one of the biggest among the organization's overseas offices and served as a coordination center in Asia, we started stationing our IP attache in the capital of Thailand in 1996. Now we have two expatriate staff there. Their advantage is that they work as a complementary pair of a patent and a trademark expert, respectively. They basically take care of the continental ASEAN, in concrete terms, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. Their main activities include strengthening cooperation with IP-related government bodies through training or seminars and publishing ASEAN-wide research papers on IP.
Here's a message from Bangkok:
"We are happy to collaborate with local governments and companies in ASEAN. For example, we collaborated with Department of Intellectual Property Thailand and the local companies such as True Visions for IP public awareness activity in Thailand last year. If you are interested in Japanese IP system or collaboration with JETRO Bangkok, please contact us!"
JPO Commissioner delivered a General Statement at the WIPO grand conference early this month.
The 62nd series of meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO were convened in Geneva from October 4 to 8 .
During the opening session, a General Statement video* delivered by Mr. Mori Kiyoshi, Commissioner of the JPO, was broadcast on behalf of the Government of Japan (GOJ). In his statement, Commissioner Mori expressed support for WIPO’s Medium-Term Strategic Plan (MTSP), along with his expectations that the global IP ecosystem is developed by WIPO through its enhanced user-friendliness and strengthened support for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and startups.
He also expressed his strong expectation for WIPO to contribute to the resolution of global challenges by utilizing IP, such as the response to COVID-19 in cooperation with its Member States and other UN agencies, and the WIPO GREEN initiative.
With such expectations in mind, he made a statement that GOJ will continue to support WIPO through voluntary contributions, which it has been making for more than 30 years, and through cooperation with the WIPO Japan Office.
As our Commissioner mentioned in his concluding remarks, the JPO will continue to work closely with WIPO and other partners to co-create an inclusive, balanced and vibrant global IP ecosystem.
Do you know JPO's super-fast-tracked examination?
In addition to the ordinary “accelerated examination” previously introduced on this page (posted on 29 September 2020), the JPO offers the “super accelerated examination,” which allows for more swift prosecution.
Stated differently, applicants have three tracks to choose: regular, fast and super fast.
Applications from overseas are also eligible for the fastest track if they meet two requirements: First, they are filed with both at least one foreign IP Office and the JPO. Second, they are "working-related," which means that the inventions pertaining to the applications have already been commercialized or are planned to be commercialized within two years.
No additional fees are required. Under this super-fast track, the average FA pendency for FY2020 is 0.9 months, and the total pendency is 2.8 months.
Follow the link below for more information!
PPH entered a new growth stage.
The predominant feature of the development over the second half period is twofold.
First, collaboration in multiple members. In 2014, the Five IP Offices launched an IP5 PPH, a program for a plurilateral Highway access among themselves. Also, Global PPH (GPPH), another plurilateral program, was established covering 17 Offices, including JPO. In both programs, the members worked together toward the utmost utilization of search/examination results among the Offices and also the enhanced benefits for the applicants using the Highway.
Second, further regional expansion. PPH arrangements between JPO and Offices of emerging economies have been intensified. Examples of new partners on bilateral basis are EGYPO (Egypt) in 2015, IP VIET NAM (Vietnam) in 2016, INPI (Brazil) in 2017 and IPO (India) in 2019.
This year, JPO started PPH pilots with INPI (France) and OMPIC (Morocco), respectively. Currently, a total of 55 IP Offices are implementing PPH, out of which 46 Offices are JPO partners (as of April 2021).
To achieve further development of the system, we are not just working to extend the total route length, but to improve its connectivity or effectiveness for the sake of participating Offices and global users as well.
We will continue our efforts as one of the founding members and also as the Secretariat of GPPH.
The Highway system became geographically diversified.
PPH gained ground in many parts of the globe as its benefits became widely acknowledged in reducing workloads in examination/search using outcomes of an Office of earlier examination.
Following the preceding partners mainly from Western economies, IP Offices in Asia joined the network when JPO started the bilateral programs with IPOS(Singapore) in 2009 and with SIPO(current CNIPA, China) in 2011, respectively.
In 2012, SIC(Colombia) became the first PPH participating Office in South America.
By the end of 2013, almost the midcourse of the past decade and a half, a total of 31 IP Offices got on the Highway system, out of which JPO formed the partnerships with 26 Offices.
Next week is the last segment of this series!
This year marks the quindecennial anniversary for the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) program!
We are going to explore the development of PPH in three segments starting from this week.
The first bilateral agreement named Patent Prosecution Highway, an international examination cooperation scheme, came into operation between USPTO and JPO in 2006 based upon the latter’s proposal (posted on 20 Oct. 2020). Within the subsequent three years, JPO entered into partnerships with other IP Offices, for instance, EPO, DKPTO (Denmark), DPMA (Germany), KIPO (South Korea) and UKIPO (United Kingdom). The transborder high route thus began to expand, while our partners also endeavored to make prosecution traffic smoother on bilateral basis. This was how the Highway developed in its early days.
Next week we'll talk about the next phase of PPH.
Our IP attaches in New York are connecting IP businesses in Japan and the US.
Among our IP attaches all over the world, those in New York belong to the biggest overseas office of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). It enables them to actively engage in the support of Japanese businesses targeting the US market and the US businesses vice versa, in the fields of IP. Furthermore, JETRO New York has built close relationships with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as well as IP lawyers and corporations in the US. As a secretariat of the US IP Study Group, they are offering networking opportunities between the two countries’ businesses through their monthly seminars.
Here’s a message from New York:
“Despite the challenges under the pandemic, we are trying hard to maintain our liaison role between Japan and the US by vigorously hosting and participating in online and in-person meetings and events. Feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in Japanese IP system and measures, and networking with Japanese businesses. We are happy to give you a 30-minute virtual briefing!”
Tomorrow we will mark the first anniversary of the launch of this webpage, the JPO Quick Reads.
To refresh the memories of readers from the inauguration issue, the very first heading was “Speedy Examination at the JPO.” Since then, we have endeavored to deliver actionable information, among others, concerning our current status, initiatives or revisions to relevant laws, bearing in mind the benefits of overseas stakeholders with more emphasis on the examination-related aspect.
Just for your reference, top three topics of interest to the website audience over the past year are:
If you began to visit this particular site rather recently, we would suggest checking the contents from the links above.
We will continue to work toward a friendlier page for overseas users and keep you updated on the JPO’s progress. Don’t miss it!
Have you ever consulted the book of reference to our Trial and Appeal System?
As previously introduced on this page (posted on 26 January 2021), our Trial and Appeal Department (TAD) is making available a handbook on our website.
TAD plays two major roles: acting as the upper instance of examination, and contributing to an early settlement of IP disputes.
Designed to familiarize applicants or stakeholders with those functions, the brochure sums up the trial/appeal system in Japan as concisely and plainly as practical, for instance, under such headings as follows:
TAD continues to be committed to soundly fulfilling its roles “for appropriate acquisition and exercise of industrial property rights”, as the subtitle on the front of the book reads.
The JPO hosted a Conference of Leaders of IP5 Trial and Appeal Bodies early June.
At the online meeting chaired by Director-General KATSURA of the Trial and Appeal Department (TAD) of the JPO, the participants from the IP5 Offices and WIPO had an active dialogue as the first step toward specific cooperation among the IP5 in the trial/appeal area. Suggested ideas include, but are not limited to, providing the public with important decisions, holding user seminars, and exchanging statistics. It is expected that the high-level talks in this area will be organized on a regular basis, deepening the discussions.
TAD will continue to join forces with the IP5 counterparts in the quasi-judicial field, mindful of the interests of global users as well.
JPO offered training for patent examination to the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).
As previously referred to on this page (posted on 19 January 2021), a group of our experienced colleagues with the title of International Training Instructor are contributing to capacity building for patent examiners in emerging economies, including ASEAN members. Those Instructors constitute the forefront of our Global Patent Academy (GPA), if you like.
Last month, the GPA held a patent examination online training program for MyIPO, with a focus on two specific technological areas. MyIPO and JPO have been working closely on fostering human resources, and need-based training courses have been provided on a yearly basis since 2014. GPA Instructors are committed to supporting the development of examination systems in Malaysia.
Here are words from Mr. Kamal Kormin, Assistant Director General (Technical, Science & Technology) of MyIPO, who participated in the closing session of the program this time:
“We are in the midst of upgrade our patent examination quality towards the patent quality management. This training was tremendously beneficial to the participants. We hope that this training program will continue in the future with the possibility to explore different technology fields. ”
The revised Patent and other Acts introduce online oral hearing in trials/appeals.
In trials for invalidation of patents, for instance, oral proceedings have been conducted while parties concerned appear in the Trial Court on our premise. After the effective date of the revised article, however, the parties may attend via video conference at the discretion of the chief administrative judge, insofar as they participate within the confines of our country.
The renewed approach conforms with the recent trend of digitization and networking in socioeconomic activities and enables both parties’ oral allegations to be heard by the administrative judge panel even in the midst of pandemic like the COVID-19.
The amendment is scheduled to come into force in October. The Trial and Appeal Department (TAD) is proceeding with the preparations for the implementation!
The bill to amend Patent and other Acts was passed into law and promulgated in May.
The epidemic of the COVID-19 led society to revolutionize the nature of socioeconomic activities as seen in the rapid development of digitalization, remote work and contactless services. To address changing situations, the Patent Act and Other Acts were revised noting following perspectives: (i) to develop new procedures viable in pandemicity, (ii) to review the protection of IPRs in digitized society, and (iii) to strengthen the foundation of IP institution.
The amendments include among others:
Just click the link below for further information. Supplementary explanation on the new form of oral proceedings for trials/appeals will follow next week.
The Design Act has been revised, and designs for graphical user interface, building and interior have been newly registered.
The government of Japan fundamentally amended the Design Act in 2019 in order to allow applicants to protect their outstanding designs that contribute to promoting innovations and establishing brands. In this respect, the amendatory law came into force in April last year, additionally covering designs for graphic image not stored or indicated on articles, building and interior as those subject to protection under the statute.
Since it came into operation, two building designs, two interior designs and one graphic image design have successfully been registered for the first time in Japan.
Just click the link below and look the freshly publicated designs under the updated legislation.
For an overview of the revised Design Act:
Pamphlet ( Revision of the Design Act in Japan -Contributing to innovation and branding- Revised in 2019 (PDF:6,206KB) )
The JPO's first IP attaché was stationed in Düsseldorf, Germany.
We have been dispatching our IP attachés worldwide for nearly half a century. It was in 1974 when our first expatriate staff started his business at the Düsseldorf Office of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). JETRO Düsseldorf serves as a JPO’s contact point for European IP offices and users. At the same time, it collects information on IP trends in Europe, taking advantage of its geographical strength, located in almost the center of continental Europe and within two-hour flight distance to any major cities in the region.
Here’s a message from Düsseldorf:
“Two ex-patent examiners are here to serve you! Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to hear about JPO’s measures and policies including practices of examinations and Trials/Appeals!”
The JPO has redefined its Mission, Vision and Values (MVV).
MVV is a profession of an organization’s aspirations, duties to be fulfilled, and course of actions.
We have recently revised our previous version after thorough and inclusive discussion, mindful of the rapidly, dynamically changing social landscape and the evolving IP environment, and with a view to administering IP policies going with the times.
The renewed Mission among others is described as follows:
- To achieve a society in which ideas are respected and each individual is encouraged to ignite creativity.
Our MVV serves internally as a banner toward a fully aligned office. It also acts as a vehicle to communicate our goals to all stakeholders involved in IP, soliciting partnerships to that end.
We are committed to making continued efforts to set our purpose in place. Just check it out from the link below, including the Statement, and tell your impressions!
The JPO hosted the IP5 Heads of Office Meeting online late June.
At its 14th Meeting, the heads discussed, aside from the following issues, a key role intellectual property rights play in solving social challenges, which have been drawing global attention in recent years in the context of achieving SDGs.
They agreed on the roadmap for IP5 cooperation in the fields of New Emerging Technologies/Artificial Intelligence (NET/AI) and confirmed the launch of new projects designed to harmonize patent prosecution procedures and practices.
Also, they reaffirmed future cooperation among the Offices in the post-pandemic era.
The JPO will continue to join other IP5 members in leading the worldwide initiatives in the area of intellectual property!
The JPO held the "International Symposium on Intellectual Property - Initiatives to Solve Environmental Issues through WIPO GREEN" online!
Last month, the JPO hosted the first international web-based conference on WIPO GREEN as it relates to the previous topic of this page (posted on 11 May 2021). This symposium aimed to contribute to solving environment matters through the effective use of intellectual property and was live-streamed in four languages (English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean).
In the panel discussion, under the theme of "Challenges and Future Development of WIPO GREEN," the panelists discussed the initiatives, current status, challenges, and future development of WIPO GREEN from various perspectives based on their concrete and practical experiences.
The JPO will continue to strive to improve the climate to help find solutions for social issues utilizing WIPO GREEN!
IP experts from the JPO are stationed around the world.
Quite a few JPO staff who are well versed in IP rights systems are seconded to a couple of government-affiliated organizations which work to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and abroad, locating hubs in major economies. Our expatriate experts, as IP attachés, assist the overseas stakeholders to understand IP systems in Japan and also act as liaisons between the IP Offices in charge and the JPO. At the same time, they collect and research a wide range of relevant information on IP-related institutions or practices at the places of their assignment, retaining the services of local law firms.
Our IP attachés are more than happy to serve you!
“The Step-by-step Guide” has been created to address user feedback indicating that the JPO website could be made friendlier for customers abroad to get to the information they want.
For the benefit of overseas users, we have added new web pages to organize helpful links to key procedural information on the prosecution with the JPO, broken down by the administrative jurisdictions (patent, utility model, design and trademark). It simply refers to the proceedings for obtaining industrial property rights in Japan, including filing, fees, examinations and registrations, outlined in time sequence.
Just feel free to suggest any items to add you'd consider useful on our site!
We have released "JPO Digital Pamphlet," an animated introductory video featuring our strengths and history.
The video highlights the JPO’s three key advantages (speedy & quality examination, user-friendliness and global network) with numbers to illuminate them. It also covers the chronology of the intellectual property system in Japan since its inception (the enactment of the Trademark bylaws in 1884), showcasing some of the era’s iconic technologies of Japanese origin.
Just click the link and watch the five-minute video clip to learn more about the JPO!
“The JPO Key Features” on our web page simply sheds a spotlight on the benefits of filing applications in Japan for the sake of overseas users.
It is designed to present the principal advantages of prosecuting applications with the JPO and also to familiarize applicants residing overseas with our well-regarded measures or initiatives. Its content is arranged by subject, for example, but not limited to:
Figure: Speedy & High Quality Examinations
We will continuously work to make our service more user-friendly and keep you updated with our progress.
The JPO achieves efficient and quality patent examinations in collaboration with nine registered search organizations.
The registered search organizations (hereinafter, “the organizations”) are independent entities for outsourcing prior art searches, authorized by the JPO Commissioner, where a number of engineers or scientists with years of R&D experiences in industry or academia retrieve prior arts as searchers with regard to the patent applications filed under the Japanese Patent Law.
Each searcher completes a search report for an individual application through oral discussion with a relevant patent examiner. In other words, JPO patent examiners and searchers from the organizations jointly create prior art search results.
Such reports prepared by searchers , covering around two-thirds of the overall applications awaiting first actions (as of fiscal year 2020), help examiners significantly reduce their workloads in understanding complex technical contents of respective patent applications and, where necessary, supplementing prior art searches.
Outsourcing prior art searches continues to be a key measure to enhance productivity in our examinations even amid the COVID-19.
Patent examination at the JPO has not been prolonged despite the COVID-19 crisis.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the operational environment of patent examination, for instance, enhancing the teleworking policy for examiners. The JPO maintains its examination speed even after the COVID-19 outbreak by upgrading its in-house developed support system for telecommuting patent examiners. Applications where PPH or accelerated/super-accelerated examinations are requested remain on the right track.
Also, the JPO started to deliver an improved service aiming at smoother communication, by allowing online interviews between applicants and examiners using a web application even while examiners are working from home.
The JPO will continue its every effort to maintain the prompt examinations even amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Japan, together with WIPO, supports the institutionalization of IP systems in developing countries.
The government of Japan (GOJ), through the JPO, has been making voluntary contributions to WIPO since 1987, creating a trust fund for cooperation in the field of Industrial Property (IP). When the supporting area was expanded in 2019, it was rearranged as “Funds-in-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global (FIT Japan IP Global)”. Over the past 34 years, GOJ has contributed a total amount of approximately 85 million CHF and provided assistance to more than 80 countries.
Human resources development and technical assistance activities under the FIT Japan include:
In recent years, Japan has supported branding projects for traditional local products in Africa to achieve the sustainable development using IP. Cases of Taita basket in Kenya and Chobe basket in Botswana are examples of good practice, where JPO and other relevant bodies helped local people acquire and leverage collective trademarks.
Japan will continue to render assistance to developing countries for the IP systems consolidation and capacity building in close liaison with WIPO.
Do you know WIPO GREEN, an initiative designed for sustainable development?
WIPO GREEN is an online platform for green technology exchange launched in 2013 by WIPO, who intends to contribute to achieving the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a specialized agency of the UN. The platform is realized in response to a proposal by the Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA), a non-profit, non-governmental organization representing industries and IP system users in Japan. Through its online database and regional activities, WIPO GREEN connects environmentally friendly technology seekers and providers.
Over 120 organizations have joined the international network as partners, offering support and advice on its endeavors.
At present, a total of 29 partners from Japan, the largest number in the world, have participated WIPO GREEN. The JPO became its partner on February 19, 2020.
We will work together with WIPO, WIPO Japan Office and other partners to support activities of WIPO GREEN and continuously strive to facilitate the green technology diffusion across the globe.
* Numbers indicated above is as of April, 2021.
April 26 is the World Intellectual Property (IP) Day.
On April 26, 1970, the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) entered into force.
WIPO’s member states designated the day as World IP Day in 2000. The JPO has been enhancing its cooperative relationship with WIPO for over 45 years. The Funds-in-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global is one of such examples. Under the scheme, the JPO has provided assistance to more than 80 countries by welcoming trainees and sending its own experts. In addition, the JPO participates as a partner in WIPO GREEN to promote environmental technologies. Furthermore, the JPO, in collaboration with WIPO Japan Office, contributes to making the IP system more user-friendly across the world.
The JPO will continue to cooperate with WIPO to support your global business.
On April 18, 136 years ago, the patent system was institutionalized in Japan.
On April 18, 1885, the Patent Monopoly Act (the predecessor of the current Patent Act) was enacted, and the patent system in Japan started. Commemorating this, in 1954, April 18 was marked with white stone as Invention Day to raise public awareness of industrial property right system. The past 136 years have witnessed a variety of technological innovations and inventions, making our lives more comfortable and prosperous. The JPO will continue to contribute to the development of industry by inspiring the creativity of inventors through proper granting of the industrial property rights.
On this occasion, take some time to learn about the industrial property right system exploring the future.
The JPO Status Report 2021 carries information on the statistics and the achievements of the JPO’s various measures for the year 2020.
The JPO publishes its Status Report in March every year. It is designed to introduce its initiatives along with the latest statistical information on intellectual property (IP) in Japan and abroad. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the JPO measures and policies, including its efforts and outcomes as to the examination speed and quality, as well as its approach toward harmonizing the IP system or practices globally in cooperation with other offices.
You will get the picture of what we are today.
The JPO has developed a system for searching patent documents worldwide using AI.
With patent applications rising globally, about three million more patent publications are added annually to the documents subject to prior art search. The JPO has developed a system called “ADPAS” for patent documents retrieval with the aid of AI technologies (patent registered). Through this system, over 30 million patent documents from around the world have been classified by Japanese retrieval index (FI and F-term). Now JPO examiners can conduct a collective search of such abundant foreign documents across linguistic borders.
The JPO will continue to improve ADPAS and provide efficient and quality patent examination results.
Need to check respective prosecution histories of a family of patent applications?
Dossier is a collection of documents containing information on a patent application and its prosecution. The One Portal Dossier (OPD) offers a one-stop service for electronically accessing dossier information of entire family applications among the IP5 offices (CNIPA, EPO, JPO, KIPO and USPTO) and also PCT international applications. The JPO played a leading role in the establishment of the system. It helps streamline the examination process by enabling IP5 examiners to cross-reference dossier information. In order to benefit users, such information has been accessible to the public worldwide as well.
Go to the J-PlatPat website and try OPD retrieval!
Japan Platform for Patent Information (J-PlatPat) makes available a one-stop search service for intellectual property publications.
National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT), an independent administrative agency associated with JPO, provides a platform named “J-PlatPat” as a free online retrieval service for intellectual property information. On its website, you have access to publications from all administrative jurisdictions under the JPO (patents, utility models, designs, and trademarks) by a simple keyword/number search or a more advanced search. You can also check the prosecution history of individual applications, including trial/appeal proceedings. Such information is available in English through machine translation for the convenience of overseas users.
Visit the J-PlatPat and use the intellectual property information efficiently!
Have you had a chance to explore our PPH Portal site yet?
Under the PPH framework, an application determined to be patentable by the office of earlier examination is allowed to undergo accelerated examination at the office of later examination. The JPO operates the PPH Portal site providing statistical information such as average pendency and grant rate of PPH applications. The site also provides easy access to the PPH procedural guidelines of participating IP Offices. Through the portal, you can efficiently obtain information from more than 50 Offices worldwide.
If you're considering using PPH, make sure you check it out!
Your new product/service relates to a number of inventions, designs and trademarks, doesn’t it?
In normal examination process, respective applications are examined separably, making it difficult for you to be notified of examination results of multiple applications collectively. Under the “Collective Examinations for IP Portfolio Supporting Business Strategy (hereinafter referred to as Collective Examinations),” however, a team of JPO examiners handles a group of various applications pertaining to your inventions and also designs/trademarks as well, where indicated. Through close communication within the team, examinations will be conducted concurrently taking account of the input on your business strategy to be supported by the whole applications. The collective examination allows you to smoothly develop your business, ensuring timely acquisition of reliable rights.
Why not request the collective examination to build a strong IP portfolio?
JPO examiners proactively conduct interviews to facilitate communication with applicants.
Interviews with examiners can be requested at any phase of the prosecution free of charge. In 2019, roughly a total of 4,000 interviews were performed.
To meet user needs, the video conferencing system is also available, allowing applicants and patent attorneys to participate using their own PCs from their homes/offices. Such online interviews are effectively utilized in response to the situation with the COVID-19 as well.
You can consult with our examiners from your office/home!
The JPO is contributing to the PCT System as the third-largest issuer of International Search Reports (ISRs).
As a competent International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority, we prepare and issue ISRs and IPERs either in Japanese or in English. We perform international search within the prescribed timeframe (deadline compliance rates 99.8%), at reasonable search fees (JPY 156,000 for English ISR as of January 2021), and also with very favorable quality evaluation.
International search at the JPO is beneficial for PCT users at home and residing overseas as well!
Figure: Number of PCT International Applications filed with the JPO as the receiving office
The JPO has formed the Team for Supporting AI Examinations ahead of other IP Offices!
In recent years, AI-related patent applications have expanded beyond AI core inventions, encompassing inventions which apply AI to a diverse range of technical fields. AI technology is rapidly advancing and is characterized by its abundant technical terms and extensive knowledge to be aware of. To address these circumstances, the JPO established the Team for Supporting AI Examinations by bringing together examiners from various technical fields. The team will accumulate latest AI-related examination case examples containing various results and also develop examination environment to provide consultations for examiners with little experience in AI-related cases. Consequently, it would contribute to improved predictability of patent examinations for the sake of applicants by maintaining examination consistency and providing efficient, quality examination results.
We drive innovation in AI-related technologies through patent examination.
Take a look:
Have you ever wondered how the JPO’s Trial and Appeal Department (TAD) makes decisions?
The JPO publishes a manually-translated English edition of trial/appeal decisions that would be helpful and informative in understanding the interpretation and operation of the relevant laws in Japan. On TAD’s web pages, links to the English translations are provided in a concise list which also contains topics (e.g. novelty, inventive step, patent eligibility) and abstracts so that you can check TAD’s decisions according to your interests. You can gain an overview in a very simple manner.
Now, let’s visit TAD’s web pages and click a link!
Take a look:
The JPO’s Trial and Appeal Department (TAD) is committed to further improve reliability of its decisions!
TAD makes final judgement of the JPO regarding the validity of intellectual property (IP) rights, with the aim of ensuring that rights worth granting/protecting are treated as such. In recent years, the decisions of the TAD have been maintained by the IP High Court at a good rate. Those maintained cases account for:
TAD makes various efforts towards enhanced credibility. For example, the study group consisting of practitioners inside and outside the JPO deliberates annually upon trial/appeal and court decisions considered to be important on a practical level. TAD utilizes the deliverables for its subsequent proceedings.
Check out our “Handbook for Trial and Appeal System in Japan” to better understand TAD!
Take a look:
The JPO is striving to contribute to IP Offices’ human resource development in emerging countries!
Our experienced patent examiners named International Training Instructors provide assistance on the practical aspects of patent examination to examiners in emerging countries, including ASEAN members. Under this initiative, we dispatch International Training Instructors and offer on-demand training on examination practices based on the needs of respective IP offices and on the level of experience of the trainees. Since the start of this scheme in 2012, we have provided training programs to a cumulative total over 2000 trainees at eleven IP Offices. This year, the trainings are conducted online, instead of dispatching instructors overseas.
Our initiative eventually serves to facilitate the prosecution of your patent applications globally.
Take a look:
The JPO has been working to ensure that students acquire knowledge about the Intellectual Property.
We, jointly with related organizations, hold the Students’ Patent and Design Contest every year to award outstanding inventions and designs by promising students. The winners can seek patent/design rights before the JPO with technical and financial supports from the contest hosts. Consequently, granted patent and design rights from the contest generate collaborations between students and business enterprises.
We are convinced that our efforts nurture talent of creativity and then innovation!
Take a look:
[Last updated 10 February 2025]
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